Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1882

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3888 Vol. 42, p. 2122. PurtJoses !Ieclarcd. Approval. Vol. 48, p. 913. Rffecti',e date. Duration. RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. N othillg in the present Agr<>e- ment shall be construed in anv way to affect any of the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and the Re- public of Colombia, signed at Bogota, April 6, 1914. AUTICLE XII The Governments of the rnited States of Am('ricu and the R('- public of Colombia declare that the purpose of this Agreement is to grant mutuul and reciprocal concessions and advantages for the promotion of commercial r('la- tions between the two countries; and that each and everyone of the provisions contained h('rein shall be complied with and inter- pret('d in accordance with tllls spirit and intention. AUTICLE XIII The present Agreement shall be approYCd and confirmed by the President of the United States of America by virtue of the Act of Congress of the United States of America approved June 12, 1934, entitled "An Act to Amend the Tariff Act of 1930", and shall be ratified bv the President of the Uepublic ~ of Colombia, after approval of the Congr('ss of Colombia, in accordance with con- stitutional requirements. The Agreement shall enter into full force thirty days after the ex- change of the instrument of approval and confirmation and the instrument of ratifkation, which shall take place in the city of Bogota as soon as possible, and shall continue in force for a term of two years, unless ter- minated in accordance with the provisions of Article V. Tinless at least six months be- foro the expiration of the afore- said term of two years the Gov- ernment of either country shall have given to the other Govern- ment notice of intention to tenni- Ninguna de las disposiciones del presente convenio podra SCI' interpretada de Jnanero que afecte cualquiera de las estipulaciones del tratado entre los Estados enidos de America y Ia Re:Qublica de Colombia, firmado en Bogota el 6 de abril de 1914. ARTICl:LO XII Los Gobicrnos de los Estados enidos de Amcrira v de In Ue- publira de Colombia deeInran que cl objeto de este convenio ('s otorg'l.rse mutuas y reeiprocas ('onccsioncs y vcntajas pura inten- sificar las r(,laciones comerciaies ('ntre los dos paises; y que de uruerdo con este espiritu y pro- posito so cllllpliran e inter- pretaran todas y cada una de Ius disposieiones uqui contenidas. ARTICrLO XII I EI presente convenio sent apro- bado y confirmado por el Presi- dente de los Estados Cuidos de' Amerira en virtud de lu ley de los Estados l'nidos de America aprobada el 12 de junio de 1934 v tituluda "Lf'v reformutoria de ia Ie'y aranrelaria de H)~~O", Y sera ratificutio por cl Presidente de la Hepublica de Colombia, una y(,z obtenida la aprobaci6n dd Congreso de Colombia, de ('011- formidad {'on los requisitos COIlS- titucionales. Eutrani en pleno vigor trienta dias despues de ranjeado el instrUlllento de apro- barion y ('onfirmneion y cl ins- trumento de ratifiearion, 10 que se efectuad en la ciudad de Bogota, tan pronto como sea posible, y continuant en vigor por el termino de dos anos de ahi en adelar.te, salvo que se termin(' de aruerdo con las disposiciolles del Articulo Y. Si I?on no Ilwnos ce seis 111('Se8 de anticiparion a la expiracioll del prpcitado termino de dos nnos, d Gobierno de cuulquipI"a de los dos pllises no dien' ni ot ro Gobicrno n viso <1(' SU iii tt'u('i611