Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1960

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3966 RECIPROCAL THADE-CASADA. the Panama Canal Zone exclusively to one another or the Republic of Cubs shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall continue to apply in respect of any advantages now or hereafter accorded by the United States of America, its territories or possessions or the Panama Canal Zone to the Philippine Islands irrespective of any change in the political status of the Philippine Islands.

rrade of. ~3nfi(\a The advantafes now accorded or which may hereafter be accorded

wIth other Brltlsh I)[)s' • • .' • f sessions. by Canada exc uSIvely to other terrItOrieS under the sovereI~ntv 0 His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Irehtnd, and the Bntish dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, or under His :Majesty's suzerainty or protection, shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIV Right to with<iraw The Government of each eountr.y reserves the right to withdraw concessions resene!\. u or to modify the concession granted on any article under this Agree- ment, or to impose quantitative restrictions on any such article if, as a result of the extension of such concession to third countries, such countries obtain the major benefit of such concession and in consequence thereof an unduly large iuC'n'use in importations of such PPTori:.n . t' . article tnkes place: Provided, That before the Government of eit.her renolls no Il'C III 111 il'Iff1f' .. 111. writing to be given. country 8 1a ava Itse 0 t 1e oregomg re8en-atlOn, It 8 1U gIve notice in ,..- citing to the other Government of its intention to do 80, end shall afford such other Government an opportunity within thirt.y days after receipt of such to consult with it in respect of the proposed action and in respect of such compensatory modifications of the terms of the present Agreement as may be appropriate; and if an agreement with respect theret.o is not reached wit.hin thirty days AbrogatIOn of Agr(>('· following the receipt of the aforesaid notice, the Government which ment. proposes to take such action shall be free to do so at any time there- after, and the other Government shall be free within fifteen days after such action is taken to terminate this Agreement in its entirety Oll thirty days' written notice. ARTICLE XV Al(1'ccment to hc pro- The present Agreement shall be proclaimed by the President of claimed. the United States of America and shall be ratified by His :Majesty the King of Great Britain, Irela,nd and the British dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, in respect of the Dominion of Canada. . Pro\'binr~"l IIPP\;"'" The provisions of Art.icle I and of Articles IV and III res[Jeetively tlOn of deSIgnate.) pro· . . .'. J vi~ions. , shall, subject to the reservatIOns and ~xcephons els~where pronded Anti, J .p. :19,)1, ~902. for in this Agreement, be applied by the United States of America and Canada, on and after January 1, 1936, pending rntification of the Agreement in respect of Canada as provided in the first paragraph of t,his Article. Jo:IT('<'lin' ,\,,1<' au) 'rhe entire Agreement shall come into force on the du.., of the duration. exchange of the proclamation and ratification at Ott.awa. The Agreement shall remain in force December 31, 1938, subject to Ante, I 'P · :UHi:l. :':~a. the provisions of Article VII, Article X and Article XIV. Unless at least six months before December 31, 1938, t.he Govern- ment of either country shall have given to tho other GOn'Tnm£'llt notice of intention to terminate the Agn'empnt on thnt date, the Agreement shall remain in force ther<'!tfter, suLjl'ct to the proyisioll~ Afttt, l'I '. ;; ,jli:l. 3!1fl4. of Article VII, Article X and Article XIV, until six months from such time as the Government of eitlH'r country shall have giwll notice to the ot.her Government.