Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/220

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2236 14'l'fI CONGRESS. SESSa II. CHS. 134, 135. MARCH 10, 1936. received by him while placing mail on a train in the performance of his duties as postmaster at Edge Moor, Delaware, on November 5, l1:t::t.i tt 1934: Provided, That no part of the amount appropriated in this DeJ"s, etc.,or_~ a or· Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered in connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary hDa)ty for violation. notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. March 10, 19311. [8.3683.] [Private, No. 429.) Approved, :March 10, 1936. [CHAPTER 135.] .AN ACT For the relief of certain disbursing officers of the Army of the United States and for the settlement of individual claims approved by the War Department. Be it enacted by the Senate and of Repre8entative8 of tlte Army disbursing om- United States of America in Oongress asscm,bled, That the Comp- ~iedits allowed in troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized accounts of designated. and directed to credit in the accounts of the following disbursing officers of the Army of the United States the amounts set opposite their names: Major Stephen R. Beard, Finance Department, $28; Captain Lester L. Boggs, Finance Department, $72; Major 'VaIter D. Dabney, Finance Department, $17; Major Horace G. Foster, Finance Department, $45 and $50; Captain Columbus B. Lenow, Finance Departmel,lt, $30; Major D. \V. ~Iorey, I'-'inanee Depart- ment, $60; and MaJor Arthur O. Walsh, Fmance Department, sao; said amounts being public funds for which they are accountable and which eomprise minor errors in computation of pay and allow- ances due former members of the CiviJian COBservatIOn Corps, who ProA30. Aooountahility. are no longer enrolled in that corps, and which amounts have been disallowed by the Comptroller General of the United States: Pro- vided, That no part of the amounts so credited ~hall be luter charged against any individual other than the vnrlous payees. Refundmentsofover· SEC. 2 . That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is herebv. J18)'JDents. uuthorized and directed to pay, out of any iuoney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Captain Biglow 1 B. Barbee, Finance Department, the sum of $81; Captain Jefferson E. Kidd, Infant.ry Reserve, the sum of $81; Second Lieutenant Francis T. Pnchler, United States Infantry, the sum of $10; Captain Carl ~I. Innis, United States Infantry, the sum of $12.50; and Second Lieutenant Robert V. Klepinger, Field Artillery Reserve, the sum of $12.50. or so much of said sums us shall have be('n collected from them pfior to the approval of this Act, representing refundments of overpay- ments made Civilian Conservation Corps (>l1rolle(>s and allottees. Pret>i30. Aooountabllity. the collection of which amounts cannot be effeeted from the p£'r:;;ons to whom such erroneous payments have been made: ProL'idrd, That no part of these amounts shall be charg(\<l to any person other than the payees. MC:Yf" Charles K. SEC. 3'. That the Comptroller General of the United States b£'. and 8re~trr allowed in he is hereby, authorized and directed to (·redit. in the Ilrronnts of accounts. Captain Charles K. McAlister. Finanre D£'partment.. tht> sum of $141.13, public funds for which he is aeconntable and which rt>pN'- sents overpay~ents made to several members of the Civilian Con- 1 So in original. ,