Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/224

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2240 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 153, 154. MARCH 18, 1936. [CHAPTER 153.] AN ACT Mucb 18, 1936. _= =- =-. . :,[8;",; , ',. 87. = :.)-:-;;:;,. -- Authorizing the Comptroller General of the United Statcs to settle and adjust [Printe, No. 436.) the claims of subcontractors and materialmen for material and labor furnished in the construction of a post-office and courthouse building at Rutland, Ver- mont. Be it enacted by the Senate and of ReprClwntativc8 of t.he ~uuand, Vt., publlo United State8 of America in Congress assernbled, That the Comp- Set~ent of clalm. '1 troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized ~J~~I and labor and directed to settle and adjust on a pro rata basis in an amount not exceeding the unpaid balance, the claims of subcontractors und materialmen who furnished material and labor in the construction of a post-office und courthouse building ut Rutland, Venuont, which work was completed by the National Surety Company, as ~mrety on the performance bond before said surety compuuy was pluce(l in the hands of a rehabilitator uppointed by the Insurance Depurtlllcnt of the State of New York, and after the United States had tCl'lui- nated the right of the Brooklyn and Queens Screen Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, to proceed under contraet number T1SA- 1755, dated June 25, 1931. PaJDllDt. The Comptroller General of the United States shall pay the money without regard to any priorities the Government may claim agaim.t the National Surety C?mr.any in other cases, and ,,~hen the mOlWY shall so have been paId It shall be set aside for subcontractors, materialmen, and laborers who did the work or supplied material ~;payment. for this building with a view to paying their daims, if any: Provi,ded, 'fhat no payment shall be made until sixty days fmlll the passage of this Act or until personal notice has been given all daimants for the filing of such claims. Payments charged And there is hereb.y made available from such aPI)l"ol)l'iations i~ot . ...ust National Sure- f &J Company. to exceed $19,138.18 or this pm'pose; payments so made sha il be charged to the National Surety Company in the a(ljustnwllt of tht' Promo. accounts between said company and the United Statps: PI'OI,;'I('d, Consent required. March 18, 1936. - -- ..= -,'""Sc-::'2889.1 (J'rivate, No. 431 .] Bend Garage Com· pany. Payment to. First National Bank ofCbJoago. Refund to. That before any allowance is made pursuant to the t(~l'ms of this Art. the liquidator of the National Surety Company shall file with the Comptroller General writh>n consent thereto. Approved, March 18, 1936. [CHAPTER 154.] AN ACT For the relief of the Bend Gara~e Company. and the First National Rank of Chieago. Be it enacted by tllf: Senate ({lid llmMf'. of RrpIy',w'}datt'vc8 of Ilu~ United States of America in Con.'lre8.~ a.'1.w;mbled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pnv, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Bend Garage Company, Bend, Oregon, the SlIlll of $39 in full settlement of all claims against the United Statps Oil aeeollnt (If damages sustained in an automohile accident involving- a Civilian Conservation Corps truck near Sweet Home, Or('gon, on Septemb('l' 12,1934. SE~. 2. That the Comptroller General of the UnitCll Stat('s is hereby authorized and directed to adjust an(1 settle the claim of the First National Bank of Chicago, for refund of $11.75 on uccount of loss of that amount contained in official registered letter llumbel'l'd