Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/335

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74TH CONGRESS. BESS. II. CHS. 779-781. JUNE 24l 1936. (CHAPTER 779.] AN ACT For the relief of Thomas J. English. 2351 June 24, 1986. [H. R. 6961.] [Private, No. 686.) Be it enacted by the Senate and Ii0'U8e of Representatives of the United States of A'lrWrica in (/ongre88 assembled, That the provisions TpbO~l. English. d1· 'tat' f . 15 20bh'I' fhA rovlSions of Em. an Iml IOns 0 sectIOns to , ot Inc uSIve, 0 t e ct ployees' Compensation entitled "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the Ac~extended to. U.dS fl'" .. '1 h f \ o\. 39, p. 746. mte tates su ermg mJuries whl e in t e per ormance of their c. s . c., p.lOO. duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916, as amended, are hereby waived in favor of Thomas J. English, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a former postal clerk, and the United States Employees' Compensation CommIssion is authorized to t:eceive and consider his claim, under the remaining provisions of said Act, for injury and disability alleged to have been sustained in February or March, 1928, as a result of his employment. in such capacity: Provided, That claim hereunder shall be filed within ninety days ~:~~r filing claim. from the approval of this Act: Provided fwtker, That no benefits xo prior benellts. shall accrue prior to the approval of this Act. Approved, June 24, 1936. [CHAPTER 780.] AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Frank W. Trick. lune 24. 1936. [ll. R . 7642.) (Private, No. 687.) Bf'it «nlUJted by tlte Senate and Iiouse of Representatives of tlte United States of America in Con,nress assernbled, That the Secretary Frank W. Trick. i? P,iyrnent to estate or. of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to payhout of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to t e adminis- trator of the estate of Frank 'V. Trick, deceased, formerly of Bald- win, Lake County, Michigan, the sum of $700, to be disbursed for the reasonable hospital, medical, and funeral expenses of said Frank W. Trick, who died of injuries received when struck on the head on March 15, 1934, by a stump of wood dynamited by employees of the I~ederal Civil 'Yorks Administration engaged in work on the B.aldwin trout-rearing. p~mds project at Bal~win, Michigan: Pr~)- fTarmstroBot (talk) 14:51, 19 November 2014 (UTC):Y's,etc.,serv. vided, That such admlmstrator shall also dIsburse a SUIll, not III ices. excess of $150, from the amount herein appropriated, for services rE:'ndered by any attorney or agent in cOllnection with prosecution of the claim of the dependent WIdow of Frank 'V. Trick, Katherine Trick, now deceased, and for the prosecution of this claim: Provided tu.rtlte'l', T~at a!ly amounts paid he~eund('r sha~l be deemed to be iSfTarmstroBot (talk)e~L:l~ :l~l~;~~t. III full satIsfactIOn of all claIms agamst the Umted States for any services rendered as a result of the injury and death of Frank "T. Trick as herein described. Approved, June 24, 1936. [CHAPTER 781.] AN ACT For the relief of Caroline M. Hyde. Be it enacted by the Senate una llouse of Re1Y1"e.<lentati1wJ of the United States of A'lrWrica in Oongresll asllemhled, That the Secre- tary of the Treas,!ry be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Caro1ine M. Hyde, out of any mO!ley in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2~500 in full settlement of all claims against the United States for personal injuries sustained when struck by a United States mail truck, in New York City, on June 24, 1936. [H. R. 7818 .) [Private, No. 688.) Caroline M. Hyde. Payment to.