Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/366

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2382 mustraUoD8. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. SEC. 2 . The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have the copy prepared for the Public Printer, who shall provide suitable illustrations to be bound with these proceedings. Passed, July 1, 1935. .July 2, 1935. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATION ACT, 1936 [II. Con. Res., No. 211.) Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), ATarmstroBot (talk)U~n BrBf:~ That in the enrollment of the bill (H. R . 8021) making appropriations 1~. . ~ for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending add:;' ~Jon to June 30, 1936, and for other purposes, the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to change the numbering of section "4" thereof to section "5" and to insert a new section as follows: Provisions ot Act to "SEC. 4 . The appropriations and authority with respect to appro- cover lapse Of time. Ante, p. 477. priations contained herein shall be available from and including July 1, 1935, for the purposes respectively provided in such appro- priations and authority. All obligations incurred during the period between June 30, 1935, and the date of the enactment of thIS Act in anticipation of such appropriations and authority are hereby ratified and confirmed if in accordance with the terms thereof." Passed, July 2, 1935 . .July 16, 1935. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT AMENDMENT [H. Con. Res., No. 34.) Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), m~nr~t~!ln~:~- That the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and c~rrecr'tYllin(:.mol directed in the enrollment of the bill (H. R . 8492), entitled" An Act to ~~)~. . . amend the Agriculture Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", to !;.~ ~ ~. make the following necessary changes in the language of the bill: ,. . In Title II of said Act following section 204, insert the following August 2, 1935. IS. Con. Res., No. 22 .) new section: "SEC. 294. (a) The quantity determined and proclaimed by the Sec- retary of Agriculture pursuant to section 203, and the quantity appor- tioned to each State pursuant to section 204, may at such intervals as the Secretary of Agriculture finds necessary to effectuate the declared policy and purposes of this Act be adjusted by him: Prwided, That the quantity so determined and proclaimed shall not be increased or decreased by more than five percent." and in section 229 of said Title II of said Act, strike out all of para- graph "(b)". Passed, July 16, 1935. STATE FORESTS Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), ~~r fO:'~Peaker i That the action of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in signln:nbill (H. R~ signing the enrolled bill (H. R . 6914) to authorize cooperation with

t~~edc:oncerning, reo- the several States for the purpose of stimulating the acquisition,

Ant~, p. 963. development, and proper administration and management of State forests and coordinating Federal and State activities in carrying out a national program of forest-land management, and for other purposes, be, and the same is hereby, rescinded. Passed, August 2, 1935.