Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/60

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2076 74TH COXURESS. SESS. I . CBS. ~34-236. JUNE 13, 1935. [CHAPTER 234.] AN ACT June 13, 1935. [8.1487.] [Private, No. 76.] ]\fick C. Cooper. Payment to. For the relief of Mick C. Cooper. Be it enacted by tile Senate and Iiouse of Representatives 01 the Cnited States of AmC1-iea in Congl'ei>s assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized. and. d .irected to pay to Mick C. Cooper, of Orient, \V ushington, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $80.11, in full f'atisfaction of all claims against the Government for meat furnishell Pro/'/,'O'. the Forest Service in June 192G: Provided That no part of the LImItatIOn on attor- " ., ., Dey's, etc., fees. amount approprIated 1Il tIllS Act m excess of 10 per centum thereof ~hall be paid or d.elivered to or received by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rend.ered in connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, Penaltytorv!olation. any contract to the contrary Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed. guilty of a misd.emeanol' and upon conviction thereof shall be fined. in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, June 13, 1935. [CHAPTER 235.J JuDe 13, 1935. AN ACT - .==[S7:'2::.:46~77·]--;;;;-'- For the retirement of William J. Stannard, leader of the United States Army [Private, No. 77 .] Band. Dnited States Army band. William J. Stannard, band leader, may bo retired as captain of the Army,etc. Be it enacted by the Senate and IiO'u~e of Reprcscniatives of the United States O'f America in Congress a8semhlcd, That upon applica- tion of 'Villiam J. Stannard, Jr>ader of the United States Army Band, for retirement after thirty-three years' service, the President is authorized to place him upon the retired list with the retired pay and allowances of a captain of the Army in the fourth pay PrSe~O$·I' 't t period (over seventeen years' service): Pr01Jidcd, That the linuta- , rvlCe Iml no ap-. • • 1f1A fJ 02I' . plicable. honsIIIsectIOn 0 t1e ct0 une1,192,reahvetocountmg service for purpose of pay for officers appointed on and after July i, All activo servi,ee 1922 shall not apply' Provided further That all active service as counted for longeVIty , ....' , • pay. a mUSICIan m the Umted States Army and as leader of the Umted States Army Band shall be counted. in computing lenbrth of service for longevity pay purposes. June 13, 1935. [II. R. 1492.] [Private,- No-: -ilfl - Harbor Springs, C\1ieh. Payments to. Vol. 44, p.li08 . Approved, June 13 , 1935. [CHAPTER 236.J .\~ ACT For the relief of Harbor Springs, l\1ichigan. Be it enacted by the Senate and HOl1~e of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assl?1nbled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the vil- lage of Ha~'bor Spring~, Michigan, out of any money in the Treasury not otherWIse approprIated, a sum equal to: Olle- half o.CpaYOll'lIts (1) One-half of the total 'lmount of the several payments made b,,' made by VIllage satls-. •• < J tying judgment Cor the VIllage to satIsfy a Judgment rendered against it in an action for death or Ernest II. I fhIIfE HH. f Haines. (amages ort e(eat1 0 rncst . ames, an emplovee 0 the United States Weather Bureau, with interest at 5 per c'entum per