Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/701

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INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. ARTICLE 393. Le Bureau international du Travail sera. pla.ce sous la direc- tion d'un Conseil d'administra- tion compose de trente-deux per- sonnes: seize representant les Gou- vernements, huit representant les patrons et huit. representant les Otl- vners. Sur les seize personnes repre- sentant les Gouvernements, llUit seront nommees par les Membres dont l'importance industrielle est la pIns considerable et huit seront nommees par les :Membres de- signes a cet efIet par les delegues gouvernementaux a In. Confe- rence, exclusion faite des delegues des huit Membrcs susmentionnes. Sur les seize :Membres repre- sentes, six devront etre des Etats extra-europeens. Les contestations evcntuelles sur la question de savoir queis sont les Membrcs ayant l'im- portance industrielle la plus con- siderable seront tranchees par Ie Conseil de la Societe des Nations. Les personnes representant les patrons et les personnes repre- sentant les ouvriers seront elues respectivement par les delegues patronaux et les delegues ouvriers a la Conference. Deux repre- sentants des patrons et deux representants des ouvricrs de- vront appartenir a des Etats extra-europeans. Le Conseil sera renouvele tous les trois ans. La maniere de pourvoir aux sieges vacants, la designation des supplcants et les autres questions de merne nature pourront etre reglecs par Ie Conseil sous reserve de l'approbation de In Conference. ARTICLE 393. The International Labour Of- fice shall be under the control of a Governing Body consisting of thirty-two persons: Sixteen representing Govern- ments, Eight representing the Em- ployers, nnd Eight repres~nting the Work- ers. Of the sixteen persons repre- senting Governments, eight shall be appointed by the Members of chief industrial importance, and eight shall be appointed by the Members selected for that pur- pose by the Government Dele- gates to the Conference excluding the Delegates of the eight 11em- bers mentioned above. Of the sixteen Members represented six shall bo non-European States. Any question as to which are the Members of chief industrial importance shall be decided by the Council of the League of Nations. The persons representing the Employers and the persons rep- resenting the 'Workers shall be elected respectively by the Em- ployers' Delegates and the 'Vork- ers' Delegates to the Conference. Two Employers' representatives and two Workers' representntives shall belong to non-European States. The period of office of the Governing Body shall be three years. The method of filling vacancies and of appointing substitutes, and other similar questions, may be decided by the Governing Body subject to the approval of the Conference. 2717 Government of.