Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/703

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INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28, 1919. 2719 internationales, ainsi que l'exe- cution de toutes enquetes spe- ciales prescrites par 10. Conference. 11 sera charge de preparer l'or- dre du jour des sessions de 10. Conference. IIs'acquittera, enconformite des stipulations de 10. presente Partie du present Traite, des devoirs qui lui incombcnt en ce qui concerne tous diffcrends internationaux. Il redigera et publicra en fran- 9ais, en anglais, et dans telle autre langue que Ie Conseil d'ad- ministration jugera convenable, un bulletin periodique cons acre a l'etude des questions concernant l'industrie et Ie travail et pre- sentant un interet international. D'une maniere generale il aura, en sus des fonctions indiquees au present article, tous autres pou- voirs et fonctions que 10. Confe- rence jugera a propos de lui attri- buer. ARTICLE 897. Les ministeres des ~1ernbres qui s'occupent des questions ouvrieres pourront communiquer directe- ment avec Ie Directeur par l'in- termediaire du representant de leur Gouvernement au Conseil d'administration du Bureau inter- national du Travail, ou, a defaut de ce representant, par l'interrne- diaire de tel autre fonctionnaire dtiment qualifie et designe a cet efl'et par Ie Gouvernement inte- resse. AnTICLE 898. Le Bureau international du Travail pourra demander Ie con- cours du Secretaire general do 10. Societe des Nations pour toutes questions a l'occasion desquelles ce concours pouna etre donne. conventions, and the conduct of such special investigations as may be ordered by the Conference. It will prepare the agenda for the meetings of the Conference. It will carry out the duties re- quired of it by the provisions of this Part of the present Treaty in connection with international dis- putes. It will edit and publish in French and English, and in such other languages as the Governing Body may think desirable, a peri- odical paper dea.ling with prob- lems of industry and employment of international interest. Generally, in addition to the functions set out in this Article, it shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to it by the Conference. ARTICLE 897. The Government Departments Communications, etc. of any of the Members which deal with questions of industry and employment may communi- cate directly with the Director through the Representative of their Government on the Govern- ing Body of the International Labour Office, or failing any such Representative, through such other qualified official as the Government may nominate for the purpose. ARTICLE 398. The International Labour Of- Fecretary-O.eneral of League to assist. fice shall be entitled to the assist- ance of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations in any matter in which it can be given.