Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/704

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2720 INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. Travel and subsist- ence expenses. Other e~peuses. Procerlure. Agenda ror meetings. Ante, p. 2714. ARTICLE 399. Chacun des :Membres payera les frais de voyage et de sejour de ses delegues et de leurs conseillers techniques ainsi que de ses repre- sentants prenant part aux ses- sions de 10. Conference et d u Con- seil d'administration selon les cas. Tous autres frais du Bureau international du Travail, des ses- sions de 10. Conference ou de eelles du Conseil d'administra- tion, seront rembourses au Di- recteur par Ie Secretaire general de la Societe des Nations sur Ie budget general de la Societe. Le Directeur sera responsable, vis-a . -vis du Secretaire general de 10. Societe des Nations, pourl'em- ploi de tous fonds a lui verses, conformement aux stipulations du present article. CHAPITRE II. Fonctionnement. ARTICLE 400. Le Conseil d'administration etablira. l'ordre du jour des ses- sions de 10. Conference apres avoir examine toutes propositions faites par Ie Gouvernement d'un des Membres ou par toute autre organisation visee a l'article 389 au sujet des matieres a. inscrire a cet ordre du jour. ARTICLE 401. en~~t~g TarmstroBot (talk) 15:54, 19 November 2014 (UTC):-~ Le Directeur remplira les fonc- agenda. tions de Secretaire de la Con- ference, et devra faire parvenir l'ordre du jour de chaque session, quatre mois avant l'ouverture de cette session, a chacun des Mem- bres, et, par l'intermediaire de ceux-ci, aux delegues non gou- vernementaux, lorsque ces der- niers auront etc designes. ARTICLE 399. Each of the :Members will pay the travelling and subsistence ex- penses of its Delegates and their advisers and of its Representa- tives attending the meetings of the Conference or Governing Body, as the case may be. ~ the other expenses of the International Labour Office and of the meetings of the Conference or Governing Body shall be paid to the Director by the Secretary- General of the League of Nations out of the general funds of the League. The Director shall he responsi- ble to the Secretary-General of the League for the proper ex- penditure of all moneys paid to him in pursuance of this Article. CHAPTER II. Procedure. AHTICLE 400. The agenda for all meetings of the Conference will be settled hy the Governing Body, who shall consider any suggestion as to the agenda that may be made by the Government of any of the Members or by any representa- tive organisation recognised for the purpose of Article 389. ARTICLE 40l. The Director shall act as the Secretary of the Conference, and shall transmit the agenda so as to reach the ~t1embers four months before the meeting of the Conference, and, through them, the non-Government Dele- gates when appointed.