Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/705

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INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. 2721 ARTICLE 402. Chacun des Gouvernements des 1vIembres aura Ie droit de contester l'inscription, a I'ordre du jour de 10. session, de I'un ou plusieurs des sujets prevus. Les motifs justifiant cette opposition devront etre exposes dans un memoire explicatif adresse au Directeur, Iequel devra Ie com- muniquer aux 1vIembres de l'Or- ganisation permanente. Les sujets auxquels il aura etc fait opposition resteront nean- moins inclus a I'ordre du jour si la Conference en decide ainsi a la majorite des deux-tiers des suffrages exprimes par Ies dele- gues presents. Toute question au sujet de Iaquelle la Conference decide, a la meme majorite des deux-tiers, qu'elle doit etre examinee (autre- ment que prevu dans l'alinea precedent), sera portee a l'ordre du jour de la session suivante. ARTICLE 403. La Conference formulera les regies de son fonctionnement; elle elira son president; elle pourra nommer des commissions chargees de presenter des rapports sur toutes questions qu'elle estimera devoir mettre a. l'etude. La simple majoritc des suffra- ges exprimes par les membres presents de la Conference deci- dera dans tous les cas 011 une ma- jorite plus forte n'est pas spe- cialement prevue par d'autles articles de 10. presente Partie du present Traite. Aucun 'Vote n'est acquis si Ie nombre des suffrages exprimes est inferieur a 10. moitie du nombre des delegues presents a 18. session. ARTICLE 402. Any of the Governments of tio~;~ng, etc., ohjl'C - the :Members may formally ob- ject to the inclusion of any item or items in the agenda. The grounds for such objection shall be set forth in a reasoned state- ment addressed to the Director, who shall circulate it to all the Members of the Permanent Organisation. Items to which such objection has been made svall not, how- ever, be excluded from the agenda, if at the Conference a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast by the Delegates pres- ent is in favour of considering them. If the Conference decides (otherwise than under the pre- ceding paragraph) by two-thirds of the votes cast by the Delegates present that any subject shall be considered by the Conference, that subject shall be included in the agenda for the following meeting. ARTICLE 403. The Conference shall regulate d:~~).n'lu("t of prow- its own procedure, shall elect its own President, and may appoint committees to consider and report on any matter. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Part of the pres- ent Treaty, all matters shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast by the Delegates present. The voting is void unless the total number of votes cast is equal to half the number of the Dele- gates attending the Conference.