Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/713

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INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. 2729 un projet do Convention, les mesures prescrites A l'article 405, tout autre Membre aura Ie droit d'en ref6rer ala Cour permanente de justice internationale. ARTICLE 417. La decision de la Cour perma- nente de justice internationale concernant une plainte ou une question qui lui aumit etC sou- mise conformement aux articles 415 ou 416 ne sera pas susceptible d'appel. ARTICLE 418. Les conclusions ou recomman- dations eventuellcs de la Commis- sion d'enquete pourront etre con- firmees, amendces ou annulees par la Cour permanente de justice internationale, laquelle devra, Ie cas echeant, indiquer les sanc- tions d'ordre economique, qu'elle croirait con venable de prendre A l'encontre d'un Gouvernement en faute, et dont l'application par les autres Gouvernements lui po. - raitrait justifiee. ARTICLE 419. Si un Membre quelconque ne se conforme pas dans Ie delai pre- scrit aux recommandations even- tuellement contenues soit dans Ie rapport de 10. Commission d'en- quete, soit dans la decision de la Cour permanente de justice inter- nationale, tout autre Membre pourra appliquer audit Membre les sanctions d'ordre economique que Ie rapport de 10. Commission ou 10. decision de 10. Cour auront declarees applicables en l'espece. ARTICLE 420. Le Gouvernement en faute peut, a tout moment, informer Ie Conseil d'administration qu'il a recommendation or draft Con- vention, any other Member shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice. ARTICLE 417. The decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice in regard to a complaint or matter which has been referred to it in pursuance of Article 415 or Arti- cle 416 shall be final. ARTICLE 418. Tho Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice may affirm, vary or reverse any of the findings or recommendations of the Commis- sion of Enquiry, if any, and shall in its decision indicate the meas- ures, if any, of an economic character which it considers to be appropriate, and which other Gov- ernments would be justified in adopting against a defaulting Government. ARTICLE 419. Powers of (' "urt . Ith tf 1I., f" b Executing 'orumis· n e even 0 any J.VJ.em er sion's reconunenda- failing to carry out within the ti'Jns. time specified the recommenda- tions, if any, contained in the report of the Commission of En- quiry, or in the decision of the Permanent Court of Interna- tional Justice, as the case may be, any other Member may take against that Member the meas- ures of an economic character indicated in the report of the Com- mission or in the decision of the Court as appropriate to the case. ARTICLE 420. Thdfltl'G t Compliance. by de- e eau ng ovemmen (.lUlting Government. may at any time inform the Governing Body that it has