Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/714

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2730 INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZ.1TION. JUNE 28,1919. pris les mesures necessaires pourse conformer soit aux recommanda- tions de 10. Commission d'enquete, soit a celles contcnu('s dans 10. decision de 10. Cour permanente de justice intel'nationalc, et peut demander au Conseil de bien vouloir fllire constituer par Ie Secretaire general de 10. Societe des N J'l t.ions une Commission d'enquete chargee de verifier ses dires. Dans ce cas les stipuIu,- tions des articles 412, 413, 414, 415, 417 et 418 s'appliqueront, ct si le rapport de 10. Commission d'enquete ou 10. decision de 10. Conr permanente de Justice in- ternationale sont favor abIes au Gouverncment en faute,les autres Gouvernements devront aussitot rapporter les mesures d'ordre economiquc qu'ils suront prlses a l'encontre dudit Etnt. CHAPITRE III Prescriptions generales. ARTICLE 421. Appllcati.m of COD- L'1b ' t.'l. ventions to colonies. es l\ em res s engagen u etc, appliquer. les conventions aux- queUes ils auront adhere, con- formement aux stipulations de 10. presente Partie du present Traite, acelles de leurs colonies ou posses- sions et a ceux de leurs protecto- rats qui ne se gouvernent pas pleinement eux-memes, cela so us les reserves suivantes: 10 Que 10. convention ne soit pas rendue inapplicable par les conditions locales; 2° Que les modifications, qui seraient necessaires pour adapter 10. convention aux conditions lo- cales, puissent etra introduites dans celle-ci. Chacun des Membres devra notifier au Bureau international du Travail la decision qu'il se propose de prendre en ce qui taken the steps necessary to comply ",ith the recommenda- tions of the Commission of En- quiry or with those in the decision of the Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice, as the case may be, and may request it to apply to the Secretary-General of the League to constitute a Commis- sion of Enquiry to verify its contention. In this case the provisions of Articles 412, 413, 414,415,417 and 418 shall apply, and if the report of the Commis- sion of Enquiry or the decision of the Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice is in favour of the defaulting Government, the other Governments shall forth- with discontinue the measures of an economic character that they have tuk{'n against the defaulting Gov('rnment. CHAPTER III General. ARTICLE 421. The :Members engage to apply conventions which they have rat- ified in accordance 'with the pro- visions of this Part of the present Treaty to their colonies, protec- torates and possessions which are not fully self-governing: (1) Except where owing to the local conrlitions the convention is inapplicable, or (2) Subject to such modifica- tions as may be necessary to adapt the convention to local conditions. And each of the Members shall notify to the International Labour Office the action taken in respect of each of its colonies, protecto-