Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/760

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2776 Repayment to Ad· ministration oC origin. .: 11fe, p. 2ii4. Method oCreimbur~· ment. UNIVERSAL POSTAL COXVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. prendre possession de I'envoi session of the article upon repay- contre restitution dn montant de ment of the amount of the in- l'indemnite. demnity. ARTICLE 62 ARTICLE 62 Remboursement de l'indemnite l' Administration expiditrice. d Repayment of the indemnity to the Admir. isirat·ion of origin I.-L'Administration respon- sable ou pour Ie compte de Iaquelle Ie payement est e!Tectue en con- formite de l'article 60 est tonue de rembourser a l'Administration ex- p6ditrice, dans un dclui de trois mois a compteI' de l'envoi de la notification du payement, Ie mon- tant de l'indemnit6 cffectivement payce a exp6diteur. Si l'indemnitc doit etre sup- portee par plusipurs Administra- tions en conformitc de l'article 61, l'integrulite cle I'indemnit6 due doit etre versce it I' Administra- tion expeditrice, dans Ie d6laimen- tionne a l'alinea precedent, pftr la premiere Administration qui, ayant dtiment re~m l'cnvoi re- dame, ne peut en etahlir Ia trans- mi<;sion reguliere au service cor- respondant. II appartient acette Aclministration de rccuperer sur les autres Administrations re- sponsables la quote-part even- tllclle de chacune d'ell(·s dans Ie dcdommagcment de l'ayant droit. 2.-Le remboursement a l'Ad- ministration creanciere s'e!Tectue sans fl'ais pour cette Administra- tion, soit au moyen d'un mandat de poste, d'un cheque ou d'une traite payable avue sur la capitale ou sur une place commerciale du pays creancier, soit en especes ayant COUI'S dam~ ce pays. Lorsque 1a responsabilite a etC reconnue, de meme que dans Ie cas pr6vu a l'article 60, § 2, Ie montant de l'indemnite peut egalement etre repris d'office sur Ie pays responsable par Ia voie d'un decompte quekonque, soit directement, soit par l'intcrmc- diaire d'une Administration qui eehange regulierement des de- comptes avec l'Administration responsable. Passe Ie d6lai de trois mois, Ia somme due a I'Administration ex- 1. The Administration which is responsible, or on lhose behalf payment is made in accordance with Article GO, is bound to reim- burse the Administration of ori- gin, ,,·ithin a period of th!,ee months, counted from the scndlllg of the notification of payment, for the amount of indemnity actually paid to the scnd('r. If the indemnity must be paid by several Administrations in con- formity with Article 61, the whole of the indemnity due must be turned over to the Administra- tion of origin, within the period mentioned in tIle preceding pum- graph, by the first Admimstra- tion which, huving duly received the article inquired about, can not establish its regular transmis- sion to the corresponding service. It is incumb('nt upon that Admin- istration to recov('r from the other responsible Administrations the eventual share of each of them in the indemnity paid to the rightful claimnnt. 2. The reimbursement of tho creditor Administration is effected without expense for that Admin- istration by means of either ~1 money order, a cherl, or a draft payable at sight on the capital or a commercial city of the creditor country, 01' in coin current in that country. When responsibility hus been acknowledged, as weil us in the case contemplated by Article 60, Section 2, the amount of indem- nity may likewise be recovered from the responsible country ofIi- claUy thru nny aceount, either directly or thm the intermedinry of an Administration which regu- larly exchanges accounts with the responsible Administration. At the expiration of the period of three months, the sum due to