Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/762

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2778 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Method of settle· ment. Maximum charge. ('. O . D. charge, Collection. Cancelation, etc., of amount. 3.-Le mode de liquidation prevu au § 2, lettre b, n'est admis que si les Administrations in- teressees se chargent d'appliquer ce procede de liquidation. L'Ad- ministration de destination verse en compte courant, au moyen d'un bulletin de versement du regime interieur, Ie montant encaisse sur Ie destinataire, apres deduction d'une taxe fixe de 25 centimes au maximum et de In tnxe ordinaire des versements applicable dans son service intericur. 4. -Quel que soit Ie mode de liquidation, Ie montant maximum du remboursement est egal a celui qui est fixe pour les mandats de poste a destination du pays d'ori- gine de l'envoi. 5. -Suuf arrangement contraire, Ie montant du remboHrf>ement est exprime dans Ia monnaie du pays d'origine de I'envoi. ToutefOls, en cas de versement en compte courant postal tenu dans Ie pays de destination de l'envoi, ce mon- tant doit etre indiquc dans ia monnaie de ce pays. 6. -Chnque Administration ala faculte d'adopter, pour la percep- tion du droit proportionnel prcvu au § 2, lcttre a, l'echelle qui repond Ie mieux it ses convcntlnces de servk,e. ARTICLE 64 Annulation on reduction du mon- tant du remboursement. L'expediteur d'un envoi reC01l1- mande greve de rcmboursement peut demander Ie degrevement total ou partiel du montant du remboursement. Requests for cam'el· Les demandes de cette nature Rtion. • A d' . sont soumlses aux memes ISPOSI- tions que les demandes de retrait on de modification d'adresse. Si Ia demande de degrevement total ou partiel du montant du remboursement doit etre trans- mise par voie telegraphique, la taxe du telCgramme est augmentee de la taxe applicable a une lettre recommandee de port simple. 3. The method of settlement contemplated by Section 2, letter (b), is pennitted only if the Ad- ministrations concerned under- take to apply such procedure for settlement. The Administration of destination turns over to tho current accoun t, by means of n domestic transfer bulletin, tho amount collected from the ad- dressee, after deducting a fixed feo of 25 centimes at most and tho ordinary transfer fee applicable in its domestic service. 4. Irrespective of the method of settlement, the maximum amount of the C. O. D. chargo is equal to that ii.xed for money orders addressed to the country of origin of the article. 5. In the absence of contrary agreement, the amount of the C. O . D . charge is expressed in money ~f the country of origin of tho artIcb. However, in case of transfer to a current postal-check account held in the eOllntry of de:>tination of the article, such amount shall be indicated in money of that country. 6. Each Administration has tho option of adopting, for the col1('c- tion of the proportional feo COll- templn.ted by Section 2, letter (a), the scale which is most con- venient for its serdee. Al~TICl.E 64 Canc(,zation or reduction oj the amov lit to be collected The sender of a registered C. O . D . ar~icle may request total or partial cancelation of the amount to be collected. Requests of this nature are subject to the same provisions as requests for withdrawal or change of address. If the request for total or par- tial cancelation of the C. O . D . charge must be sent by telegraph, the charge for the telegram is in- creased by the rate applicable to a single-rate registered letter.