Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/787

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2803 TITRE III TITLE III Table of Contents- Continued. ENVOIS RECOMMAND1!;S. AVIS DE R1!;CEPTION. CHAPITRE UNIQUE Art. 125. Envois recommand~s. 126. Avis de r~ception. 127. Avis de r~ception demand~ poste- rieurement au d~pOt. TITRE IV ENVOIS CONTRE REMBOURSE- MENT. CHAPITUE UNIQUE 128. Indications a. porter sur l'envoi. 129. Etiquette. 130. Mandat de remboursement. 131. Versement en compte courant postal dans Ie pays de destina- tion de l'envoi. 132. Conversion du montant du rem- boursement. 133. Divergence entre les indications du montant du remboursement. 134. D~lai de payement. 135. RMuction ou annulation de rem- boursement. 136. ROOxpMition. 137. Emission du mandat derembourse- ment ou du bulletin de verse- ment. 138. Annulation ou remplacement des formules de mandats de rem- boursement ou de bulletins de versement. 139. Mandats de remboursement non d~livr~ ou non encaiss~s. 140. D~compte des mandats de rem- boursement. TITRE V OP1!;RATIONS AU Dt;;PART ET A L'ARRIV~E. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. CHAPITUE UNIQUE Application du timbre a. date. Envois exprcs. Envois non affranchis ou insuffi- samment affranchis. Renvoi des bulletins d'affranchis- sement. R~cup~ratioll des droits avances. Envois r~exp~di~s. Enveloppes de rooxpedition et en- veloppcs collectrices. Envois tomMs en rebut. ltetrait. Modification d'adresse. Simple correction d'adresse. Reclamations. Envois ordinaires. R~clamations. Envois recomman- d~s. R~clamations concernant des en- vois d~pos~s dans un autre pays. REGISTERED ARTICLES. RETURN RECEIPTS SOLE CHAPTER Art. 125. Registered articles. 126. Return receipts. 127. Return receipts requested after mailing. TITLE IV COLLECT-ON-DELIVERY ARTICLES SOLE CHAPTER 128. Notations to be made on the article. 129. Label. 130. C. O. D. money order. 131. Transfer to a current postal-check account in the country of destination of the article. 132. Conversion of the amount col- lected. 133. Difference between indications of the amount of the C. O. D. charge. 134. Period for payment. 135. Reduction or cancelation of the amount to be collected on delivery. 136. Forwarding. 137. Issuance of the C. O . D. money order or transfer bulletin. 138. Cancelation or replacement of C. O . D. money-order or trans- fer-bulletin forms. 139. Undelivered or unpaid C. O . D . money order!!. 140. Account of C. O . D . money orders. TITLE V OPERATIONS UPON DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL SOLE CHAPTER 141. Application of the date stamp. 142. ~pecial-delivery articles. 143. Unprepaid or insufficiently pre- paid articles. 144. Return of prepayment bulletins. Recovery of charges advanced. 145. Forwarded article". 146. Forwarding envelopes and collec- tive envelopes. 147. Undeliverable articles. 148. Withdrawal. Change of address. 149. Simple correction of address. 150. Inquiries. Ordinary articles. 151. Inquiries. Registered articles. 152. Inquiries concerning articles mailed in another country.