Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/824

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2840 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. Correspondence of 3.- Les correspondances du domestic service. • b regime interieur qm tom ent en rebut et doivent, pour restitution A nle, p.28.36. aux expediteurs, etre envoyees a l'etranger, sont traitees d'aprcs les dispositions de l'article 145. Seamen's, etc., mail. 4.- Les correspondances pour les marins et autres personnes, adressees aux soins d'un Consul et rendues par celui-ci au bureau de poste comme non reclamees, doi- vent etre trllitees comme rebuts. Refund of collections. Le montant des taxes perQues sur ces correspondances doit etre restituc. ARTICLE 148 Withdrawal or R t a';t ~,I" dificat'on d'ad esoe th::mges of address. er <. .IuO t t r., . Form of request. 1.- Les demandes de retrait de correspondances ou de modifica- tion d'adresse donnent lieu a l'c- tablissement, par l'expediteur, Pmt, p. 2898. d'une formule conforme au modele C 11 ci-annexe; uneseule formule peut etre utilisee pour plusieurs envois remis simultanement au meme bureau par Ie meme expe- diteur a l'adresse du meme des- tinataire. En remettant cette demande au bureau de poste, l'expediteur doit justifier de son identite et produire, s'il y a lieu, Ie bulletin de dep~t. Apres 18. justification, dont l'Administra- tion du pays d'origine assume la responsabilite, il est procede de la maniere suivante: By mail. a) si la demande est destinee A etre transmise par voie postale, la formule, accompagnee d'un fae-simile parfait de l'enveloppe ou de la suscription de l'envoi, est expCdiee directement, sous pli re- commande, au bureau destina- taire; Request by tele- b) si la demande doit etre faite graph, etc. • 1hi1 I Searches. l'(,~t. 1>. 2898. par VOle te egrap que, a formu e est deposee au service telegrll- phique charge d'en transmettre les termes au bureau de poste destinataire. Le teIegramme est redige en langue fran~aise. 2. -A la reception de la formule C 11 ou du telegramme en tenant lieu, Ie bureau destinataim re- cherche lacorrespondance signalee et donne a In demande la suite necessaire. 3. Correspondence of the do- mestic servICe which is undeliv- erable and must, for return to the senders, be sent to a foreign coun- try, is treated in accordance with the provisions of Article 145. 4. Correspondence for seamen and other persons addressed in care of a Consul and returned by him to the post office as un- claimed shall be treated as rebuts. The amount of the charges col- lected on such correspondence shall be refunded. AnTIcLE 148 lnthdrawal. Change of address 1. Requests for withdrawal of correspondence or for change of address give rise to the prepara- tion, by the sentler, of a form agreeing with Model C 11 hereto appended; a single form may be used for several articles mailed simultaneously at the same office by the same sender addressed to the same addressee. In submit- ting that request to the post office, the sender shall prove his identity and produce the certificate of mailing, if any. After he has proved his identity, for which the Administration of the country of origin assumes responsibility, the procedure is as follows: (a) If the request is intended to be sent by mail, the form, ac- companied by a perfect facsimile of the envelope or address of the article, is sent directly, under registered cover, to the office of destination; (b) If the request is to be made by telegraph, the form is turned over to the telegraph service, which is charged with transmit- ting the terms thereof to the post office of destination. The tele- gram is worded in the French language. 2. On receipt of the Form C 11 or the telegram taking its place, the office of destination searches for the correspondence in question and takes the necessary action.