Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/847

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2863 nistration d'origine doit, ala de- mande de l'Administration desti- nataire, preparer pour chaque de- poohe un bulletin de couleur verte con forme au mod~le C 23 ci· annexe. L'Administration d'ori- gine peut egalement expedier ce bulletin sans une demande for- melle de l'Administration destina- taire, si les circonstances parais- sent l'exiger. Les feuilles d'avis des depeches qui donnent lieu a l'etablissement dudit bulletin doivent etre reve- tues, en tete, de l'annotation tr~s apparente "Bulletin de transit". La meme mention soulignee au crayon rouge est portee sur les etiquettes speciales "Statistique" dont il est question a l'article 162. 2.- Le bulletin de transit doit etre transmis a decouvert, avec les depcches auxquelles il se rap- porte, aux differents services qui participent a leur transport. Dans chaque pays interesse, les bureaux d'echange d'entree et de sortie, a l'exclusion de tout autre bureau intermediaire, consignent sur Ie bulletin les renseignements con- cernant Ie transit effectue par eux. Le dernier bureau d'echange inter- mediaire transmet Ie bulletin C 23 au bureau de destination. Le bulletin est renvoye ensuite par ce bureau au bureau d'origine a l'appui du releve C 21. Lorsqu'un bulletin de transit dont l'expedi- tion a etC demandee ou est an- noncee en tete de la feuille d'avis fait defaut, Ie bureau de destina- tion est tenu de Ie reclamer sans aucun retard. ARTICLE 168 Service.~ extraordinaires. Independamment des trans- ports aeriens, sont seuls conside- res comme services extraordinaires donnant lieu a des frais de transit speciaux, Ie service entretenu pour Ie transport territorial acceIere de la Malle dite des Indes et les services speciaux automobiles Pal- estine ou Syrie-Iraq. ministration of origin shall, at the request of the Administration of destination, prepare for each dis- patch a bulletin, green in color, conforming to Model C 23 hereto P04t, p. 2913. appended. The Administration of origin may also send such bul- letin without a formal request from the Administration of des- tination, if circumstances appear to require it. The letter bills of the dispatches Xotation. which give rise to the preparation of the said bulletin shall be marked at the head with the conspicuous notation: Bulletin de transit (transit bulletin). The same notation, underlined in red pencil, is entered on the special Anti, p. 2859. StatistUjue (statistical) labels men- tioned m Article 162. 2. The transit bulletin shall be Bulletin to be scnt . Id h' h h umncJosed. sent unmc ose ,toget er WIt t e dispatches to which it relates, to the different services which partic- ipate in their transportation. In each country concerned, the ex- change offices of entry and depart- ure, to the exclusion of all other intermediate offices, enter on the bulletin the information concern- ing the transit effected by them. The last intermediate exchange P04t, p. 2913. office sends the bulletin C 23 to the office of destination. The bulle- tin is then returned by that office to the office of origin in support of PfMt,p.29I1. the Form C 21. 'When a transit When missing. bulletin whose issuance was re- quested or is announced at the head of the letter bill is missing, the office of destination is bound to make inquiry about it without any delay. ARTICLE 168 Extraordinary services Apart from transportation by . F:xtraordinary air mail, the service maintained IceS. for the accelerated land convey'- ance of the so-called India. Mail, and the special motor services from Palestine or Syria to Iraq, are alone considered as extraor- dinary services giving rise to speci81 transit charges. sen'·