Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/858

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2874 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. C 12 (Reclamation d'un envoi ordinaire non parvenu), C 13 (Reclamation d'un envoi recommande, etc.), C 26 (Coupon-reponse), C 28 (Carte d'identite). ARTICLE 177 Rewntion of doeu· Delai de garde des documents. ments. Period or. Les documents du service inter- national doivent etre conserves pendant une periode minimum de deux ans. ARTICLE 178 Adresse telegraphique. Telegraphic address. Les Administrations font usage, pour les communications tele- graphiques qu'elles echangent entre elles, de l'adresse tele- graphique "Postgen", suivie de l'indication de Ia ville OU se trouve Ie siege de l'Administra- tion centrale. TITRE IX C 12 (inquiry about an ordinary article not received), C 13 (tra.cer for So registered article, etc.) C 26 (repiy coupon), C 28 (identity card). ARTICLE 177 Period for retention of documents The records of the inter- national service shall be kept for a minimum period of two years. ARTICLE 178 Telegraphic address Administrations make use, for telegraphic communications which they exchange among themselveR, of the telegraphic address Postgen, followed by the name of the city in which the central Administration is located. TITLE IX International Bu· BUREAU INTERNATIONAL. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU reau. Congresses, etc. Functions, etc. Attendance of direc- tor. CHAPITRE UNIQUE ARTICLE 179 Oongres et Oonferences. Le Bureau international pre- pare les travaux des Congres et des Conferences. II pourvoit aux impressions et a la distribution des documents necessaires. Le Directeur de ce Bureau assiste aux seances des Congres et des Conferences et prend part aux discussions, sans VOlX deliberative. ARTICLE 180 Renseignements. Demandes de mo- dification des Actes. Furnlshlng Informa· Le Bureau international doit se tion. tenir en tout temps a 18 disposi- tion des membres de l'Union pour leur fournir, sur Ies questions rela- tives au service, les renseigne- mentsdont ils pourraient avoir besoin. SOLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 179 Oongre8ses and Oonferences The International Bureau pre- pares the agenda for Congresses and Conferences. It provides for the printing and distribution of the nectlssary documents. The director of that Bureau attends the sessions of Congresses and Conferences and takes part in the discussions, without the power of voting. ARTICLE 180 Information. Requests for modification oj the Acts The International Bureau shall hold itself at all times at the dis- posal of members of the Union, to furnish them, on questions rela- tive to the service, such informa- tion as they may require.