Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/861

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2877 nature relatifs au service inter- national des postes entre les Ad- ministrations qlli declarent vou- loir emprunter son intermediaire. Celles-ci se coneertent, a eet etret, entre eUes ct avec ce Bureau. 2. ---8ur In demanac d('s Admi- nistrations intCressees, les d6- comptes teIegraphiques peuvent aussi eire indiques all Bureau international pour entrer dans In compensation des soldes. 3. ---Chaqlie Administration conserve Ie droit d'etnhlir a son choL'i: des decomptes speeiaux pour divers('s branches du service et d 'en operer ii, sa convenance Ie reglemcnt avec ses eorrcspon- dants, sans employer l'intcrme- diaire dll Bureau international, auquel elIe se borne u. indiquer pOllr quelles branches de service et pour (Ju('ls pays cUe r6clamc ses ofilces. 4. - Les Administrations qui ('mpruntent I'interm ediaire du Bureau international pour la ba- lance et la liquidation des d6- comptes pellv('nt cesser d'user de cet int('rmecliaire trois mois nprcs en avoir donne IL"is. ARTICr.Y.~ 186 Etablissement des compte8. 1.- -Lorsque le8 comptes par- ticuliers ont etc dcbnttus et arretes <I'un commun iaccord, les Administrations debitrices trans- mettent nux Administrations creancieres, pour chaque nature d'operations, llne reconnaissance, etablie en francs ct centimes, du montant de In bnlance des deux comptes particuliers, avec I'indi- cation de l'objet de la creance et de la periode a laquelle elle se rapportc. Sauf entente contraire, I'Ad- ministrat.ion qui desire, pour sa comptabilite nterieure, avoir des comptes gencraux, doit les etablir elle-meme et les sOllmettre a l'acceptntion de I'Administration corresJ>ondante. Les Administrations peuvent s'entendre pour pratiqueI' un autre syst(\mc dang leurs relations. all kinds relating to the inter- national postal service between Administrations which express their desire to use its inter- mediary. The latter corne to an agreement to that effect between themselves and with the Bureau. 2. At the request of the Ad- Telegraphic ac- ministrations concerned, tele- counts_ graphic accounts may also be transmitted to the International Bureau, to be included in the striking of baJances_ 3. Each Administration re- B\lllciaJ a('(~lUuts_ serves the right to make up, at its option, special accounts for various branches of the service, and to settle them, at its con- venience, with its correspondents, without employing the intcrme- diury of the International Bureau, to which it merely gives notice of those branches of the service and the countries for which it requests its ofJices. 4. Administrations which em- Use or intermediary. ploy the intermediary of the In- ternational BurelLU in balancing and settling accounts may cease to use that intermedinry three months after having given notice thereof. ARTICLE 186 Preparation of accounts Preparing accounts. 1. "Then the detailed accounts Transmittal from have been checked and agreed debtor to creditor. upon, the debtor Administrations transmit to the creditor Adminis- trations, for each class of opera- tions, an acknowled~ent, stated in francs and centimes, of the amount of the balance of the two detailed accounts, with indica- tion of the subject of the credit and the period to which it relates. Barring contrary agreement, an Administration which desires, for its own accounting purposes, to have general accounts, shall make them up itself, and submit them to the correspondin~ Administra- tion for acceptance. Administrations rna v come to agreements to ap{lly another svs- tern in their relatIons. ~ General acoounts_ Other ayst.ema.