Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/335

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Winnebagoes.For the Winnebagoes, thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;

Menomonies.For the Menomonies, thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

Chippewas of Swan creek and Black river.For the Chippewas of Swan creek and Black river, one thousand dollars;

Chippewas of Saginaw.For the Chippewas of Saginaw, six thousand five hundred dollars;

Chippewas, Menomonies, &c.For the Chippewas, Menomonies, Winnebagoes and New York Indians, fifteen hundred dollars;

Sioux of the Mississippi.For the Sioux of the Mississippi, seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars;

Yancton and Santie Sioux.For the Yancton and Santie Sioux, four thousand three hundred and forty dollars;

Omahas.For the Omahas, three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars;

Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri.For the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, four thousand seven hundred dollars;

Iowas.For the Iowas, eight thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;

Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi.For the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi, forty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars;

Sacs, Foxes, Sioux, Iowas, &c.For the Sacs, Foxes, Sioux, Iowas, Omahas and Ottoes and Missourias, three thousand dollars;

Ottoes and Missourias.For the Ottoes and Missourias, five thousand six hundred and forty dollars;

Kanzas.For the Kanzas, six thousand and forty dollars;

Osages.For the Osages, seventeen thousand and forty dollars;

Kickapoos.For the Kickapoos, five thousand five hundred dollars;

Kaskaskias and Peorias.For the Kaskaskias and Peorias, three thousand dollars;

Piankeshaws.For the Piankeshaws, eight hundred dollars;

Weas.For the Weas, three thousand dollars;

Delawares.For the Delawares, eight thousand one hundred and forty dollars;

Shawnees.For the Shawnees, seven thousand one hundred and eighty dollars;

Senecas and Shawnees.For the Senecas and Shawnees, two thousand two hundred and forty dollars;

Senecas.For the Senecas, two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars;

Choctaws.For the Choctaws, seventy-two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars;

Chickasaws.For the Chickasaws, six thousand dollars;

Creeks.For the Creeks, four hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty dollars;

Quapaws.For the Quapaws, four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars;

Florida Indians.For the Florida Indians, two hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and ten dollars;

Pawnees.For the Pawnees, twelve thousand dollars;

Cherokees.For the Cherokees, fifteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars;

Ottawas and Chippewas.For the Ottawas and Chippewas, sixty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars;

Caddoes.For the Caddoes, ten thousand dollars;

Miscellaneous.For various miscellaneous expenses, viz:

Indian Biography.For completing payments for subscription to “Indian Biography,” three thousand dollars;

Casting dies, &c.For expenses of casting dies and striking off medals for Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Mission to the tribes of the Southwest, &c.For expenses of mission of A. P. Chouteau among the wild tribes of the Southwest, including his outfit, and the expenditures growing out of and connected with bringing on deputations of said tribes, which he has been authorized to do, twenty thousand dollars;

Boundary line between the Choctaws and Chickasaws.For deficiency in the appropriation of eighteen hundred and thirty-four for running the boundary line between the Choctaws and Chickasaws, one thousand and eighty-five dollars;