Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1003

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INDEX LIX Mines. Bur... m -ContinUed. Helium, acquisition, etc., of, tramfer of suma to, by War and Navy Depart- Pace ments ________________________ 111,002 Maintenance and operation of produc- tion plants by; research, etc_ ___ SS6 RequisitionB of, by Army, Navy, etc.; payment for ___________ _ 886 Public Health Service, detaill! from, authorized_ _____ _______________ _ 603

-;cientific work for Government depart-

meDts, etc., tranBfer of SUUlS for, authorized_ _________ _______ _____ 602 Minidoka ProJect, Idaho. appropriation for operation, etc_____________________ 593 MiruUlDm Wa,e CQmpact. See Inter- state Compacts. Minln, Claims. sUBpension of annual 8IIIlessment work on, held by location in \Jnited States. _______ ____ ______ _ 306 MIDlsters, appropriation for &alarie,:! of __ _ 263 Minnesota: Appropriation for- IndianB, Bupport, etc., of. __ _ __ _ __ __ _ 581, 582,585,587,590 Heaver Bay, establishment of Coast Guard station at_ _ _ __ ____ ______ _ 546 .'ort Snelling Military Reservation, portion set aside as national ceme- tery; poat cemetery not included_ _ 200 Pipestone National Monument, estab- lishment, administration, etc __ _ Reservation of quarrying rights to Indialls ___________________ _ 805 Rivers and baroorll, prelimillary ('xam- inationa authorized _ ______ __ 879 Mint, Burea. or the. See Treasury Department. MI• .,lIIioD Rl"er, DeL, improvement au- thorized_________________________ 845 Mission IDdian ResenatioD, CaUr., apl)ro- priation for flood controL ______ . . __ 5~0 Mill8isslppl: Appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians__________________________ 585 Hridge authorized across- Mississippi River, at Greenville_ _ ___ 745 Pearl River, at .Jackson_ ___ ________ 244 Little Callao Landing, project for main- tenance and operation' (If datil abandoned __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ 856 Misaisl!ippi River, time extended for bridging, at Natchez_ ____ _____ 562 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- inations authorized _ __ ____ _____ _ 878 Missi_pp' Rlver: Appropriation for flood control, and tributaries____________ ____ _ ___ 518 Bridge authorized across, Lakb Village, Art. - Greenville, Miss ___________ . 745 MisalsBippl RJver-Continued. P.... Dams and loe!ts, claima of contractors for excess construction costs sub- mitted to (;ourt of Claims ____ . _._ 533 Examinations authorized ___________ 854, 879 Improvement authorized between M~- souri River and Minneapolis, Minn_ 848 At Millneapolill. _______ ____ . __ 848 Time extended for bridging, at- LaCrosae, W~____________________ 94 Natchez, MiHtl_____ _______________ 002 Ncw Orleans-Gretna, La ______ . ___ _ 6.11 8t. Louis, Mo.- Ea&t St. Luuis, ilL __ 244 St. Louis, Mo. -Stites, IlL __________ 251 Mississippi Wild Life aDd Fish Rerllle, appropriation for__________________ 296 Missouri: 'Bridge authorized acrolllt-- Misl!Ouri River, at Arrow Roek_ _ _ _ _ 630 White River, at Eagle Rock. __ _ _ __ . 20 Jefferson Barracks. eonlltruction at, authorized___ _____ __ _________ __ _ 81m MisaiHtlippi River, time extended for bridging, at St. Louis _ _ ________ 244, 251 ~li!l80uri River, time extended for bridging, at-- Arrow Rock _____________________ . 201 Saint Charles_ ___ __ ___ _____ __ ____ _ 201 Rivers and harhors, preliminary exarui- nations authorized__ __________ _ 878. 879 Missouri Riyer: Bridge authorized across, at-- Arrow Rock, Mo__________________ 6JO Poplar, Mont. _____________ . ____ __ 542 Dike to Jo'aml Ililand, near Pierre, S. DItk., legalized _ _ _ ____ _______________ _ 629 Time extended for bridging, at-· Arrow Rock, Mo____________ _____ 201 Atchison, Kans __ _ __ ____ __ __ ______ 24 Brownville, Nebr ___________ ._ _ _ _ _ 2~ Garrison, N. Dak _ _ _ __ _____ _______ 4~ Niobrara, Nebr ____________ . ______ 477 Omaha, Nebr __ ___________ __ __ ____ 471 Onawa, Iowa-Decatur, N ebr __ ___ ___ 48 Rulo, Nebr________ . . _ ___ __ ___ _ __ _ 167 Saint Charles, Mo_ __ ___ ___ _ _______ 201 Suuth Sioux City, Nebr. -Sioux City, Iowa_______________________ . _ 48 Mitchel Field, N. Y ., appropriation fur acquisition of land_________________ 452 MilLed Claims CommA_oD, United States and Germany, appropriation for ____ _ 229 Mobile Bay, tillle cxtended fur bridging, betwoon Cedar Point and Dauphin Islant!, AJA _______________________ 250 Mobile Harbor, Ala.. improv(,D1cnt au- t1lOrized ________ ____ ___ ___ ________ 847 Mobile Na~lonal Cemetery, Mobile, Ala.. aule allthorizl'<i___________________ . 616