Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1012

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1~'l:VIlI Oregon Caves National Monu",ent, Oreg. , 1'&«- appropriation (or lighting system, etc___________________ ... _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 606 Or,aJllaed Reserve". See War Depart- ment. Orlando, Fla.. courtrooms (or Sout.hcrn District court, at ______ .. ___ ________ 119 OrJud Project. Calif•• appropriaHon (or ol"'ralion, ~t~. ________________ . 593 Construction, I ·te. • w ork____ ____ _____ 595 Orowoe Creek, N. Y ., cxaloination author.. ized ___________________ , ,_ ' 151 Osa,e Nation. Okla.. appropriation (or education of Indians_ ___________ __ 5.~1 Ottawa River. Ohio...xamination author- !zed _________________ ••• • __ _ • • __ _ _ HIl5 Ouchlta Rher: Ellaminations authorized ____ . ____ l<!;4. :S78 Improvement authorized _______ . ___ ___ 848 O.erton. loll. H •• Appropriation (or pay- ment of contested-election ClIIlCD8Il8_ _ 173 Oweuboro.Ky,: Bridge authorized across Ohio River at_ 641 Time elltended (or hridging Ohio River at_______________ •.•• ______ .. .. _ 243 Ow,hee Project. Ore,., appropriation (or construction, operation. ete. _ _ • _. 594, 595 Ow,.hee, Ore,•• examination au- thorized___ • ___ ___ ___ __ . __________ 1180 O,..ten. leasing of botton,s (nr commer- cial cultivation, Alaska, authorbed__ 557 P P.elftc Co.... approj••iation (or survey experuoes ____ . ______ ____ . __ _______ 293 PlK'iftc Halibut Act. See Northero Pacific HaJibut Act o( 1937. P.elftc: Men'lIdo: Invitation to (on'i",n countrics tn par- ticipate_____ . ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1135 Recognition ext..,ndl-d hy United States; participation hy eXl.' Cutive dl'lmrt- menta authorized. __ _ _ __ _ . __ . ___ !!a5 PlK'lftc Salmon Fisheries Comml88lon. International. npprtlpriation (ur share or expeJUKl'8. _________ _____ iiO Packer. and Stock,...'ds Act. appropria- tion for I'xpell8CS under.. _ _ _ _ __ .___ 406 Put....... Harbor. M ... .. examinatinn authorized__ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ R51 Putre leland. examinaUon of ehannels to Gulf of Mellico, authorized _ _ _______ R/i4 PI\I..o, Calif., examination author- ized________ ., __________________ . __ 8l'!O Palacl.., Tell•• ellaminatlon o( channel to Intracoastal Waterway __ ___ ___ ____ 854 P.lI. Irrlga".. ProJed, Calif_ . appropria- tioufor____________ . ____ ___ ____ __ 677 Pal... Creek. Ark•• examination author- izl"d . _ ... __ .__ ____ . ___ •• _______ R7R Pelisades Interstate Park C4mmlBSlGD, Par ("ODscnt of CongrP68 J,t "iVt:D to com- pact (or creation of. ___ __ __ __ __ __ .. 719 Pdlsades Interstate Park, N. Y ., ('011, ""yance o( Stony Point Light Station Reservatinn to; property transrerred in exchange_ __ _________________ . . 549 Palm Springs Reservatlo•• Calif., sale or I~asc or land ror puhlic airport au- thorized ______________________ . __ 811 Pamlleo River. N. C•• improvement au- thorized_____________________ . __ __ 1'!46 Pamlieo Sound. N . (~•• ('xaminations au- thorized__________________ •• __ " 846, H53 Panama: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses ____ . 11!j Minister to _______________ . ___ ___ . 263 Payment to gO\'('rnment o( _ ________ 267 o..nerai Depot. construction at, authorized_________________ 861 }>'ort Claywn, construction at, author- ized____ _____ ________ _______ __ _ 86) }>'ort Davia, construction at. author- ized __________________ • _ __ _ __ __ 861 Fort de Leo<('ps, construction at. au - thorized ____________________ " __ 862 Fort Kobbe, oonstrucUon at, author- izoo_ .. _______________________ >;6? Manzanillo Island, disl'ot<al of lands on, by Panama Railroad Co., allthor- ized___________________________ _ 510 Appraisal; deposit of proceeds____ __ 511 PaJlama C••al: Appropriation for seaCOB8t de(e(ls",, _. __ 100 Inland Waterwaya Corporation, capital st{)ek, apI.ropriation repealed_ ____ 521 Retirement annnities (nr e('rtain rormcr cmployeeA of. __ .. __ __ ___ __ __ ____ 619 Superannuation pay (or certain em- ployees not Ilualifying under R~- iirement Act_____ __ ____ ____ __ __ _ 4711 Tolls, Ineasnrelllent o( vessels ror pur- poses or determining__ ___________ 750 P&IIsenger tolla_ ___ ___ ________ _____ 7M PaJlama CaJlal Zone. See Canal Zone. Panama Railroad Compa. ,.: Citizenship, persons born on or after Feb_ 26, 1904 whose parent em- ployed !>y_______________________ 551\ "fanzanillo Island, Panama, disposal o( lauds on, authorized ... _ _ ________ 611 Appraisal; de]lOllit o( prnceeds__ __ ___ 512 "'arine and tire insurance, carriage of. by __________ ._. _____________ .__ 511 Retirement annlliti". (or rertain (ormer employees of. ___ . . _____ •• ____ __ __ 11\9 Pan A.erlcan Exposition: Invitation to roreign cOlllltries to par- ticipatc ______________ . . 831