Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1019

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herlo RIco-Continued. Bankhead.Jonea Farm Tenant Act, ex- tension of provisions to _________ _ Catano Range Rear Lighthouse Reser- vation, portion transferred to Government ___________________ _ Guanica Lighthouse Reservation, ex- change of, for adjacent land _____ _ Mayague., illcrease in indebtednftiS al- lowed ___________________ ~ ___ __ _ River and harbor Improvements au- thorized _______________ .. __ __ __ _ _ Preliminary examinations authorized_ San Juan Military Reservation, trans- fer of part, to; acceptance of other property ______________________ _ Steamship tickets, tax exemption on, between United Statesand ______ _ Sugar Act of 1937, basis of determina- tion of quota under _____________ _ Pu,let Island, bridge au thorized across Columbia Rivpr to Cathlamet ______ _ Puget Sound, Wash.: Appropriation for equipment, Navy yard __________________________ _ Time extended for bridging, at The Narrows _______________________ _ Pulaski, General Casimir, President au- thorized to Invite observance of anni- versary of death oL ______________ _ Punta Rasa, FIL. examinAtion of waterway to Intracoastal Waterway author- ized ____________________________ _ Purnell Ad, appropriation for allotmentl under___________________________ _ Put In Bay, Ohio: Examination authorized _____________ _ Improvement authorized ____________ _ PymatlUllnll Lake, conaent of Congress given to compact relating to, Ohio and Pennsylvania________________ _ Pyramid Lake I.rl,latlon ProJec," Nev" appropriation for ______________ _ Q Quapaw IDman, Okla., State gross pro- duction tax on lead Dnd zinc prod ucer! on lands of, authorlzed ____________ _ Exemption from other State taxes ____ _ Quarantine Service. appropriation for __ _ Quartermaster Corps. Sa War Depart- ment. Quartermaster Depat M:lltary Reserva- tion, Jell'ersonvUle, Ind•• exchange of land at __________________________ _ Queens Creek. VL. examination author- ized ___________________________ _ QuIver River, MleIL, examinat.ion author- ized __________________________ . __ INDEX LXXV P.... R 532 R~IDe Harbor. WIa.. Improvement au- thori.elL_ , __ __ ______ ___ ___ _____ __ 848 Radio. 8,. Communications Act of 1934, 672 Radi!~e:~.:::: Iater-AmerleaD, appro- priation authorized for participatioTl 694 844 850 855 207 870 expenses_ _ _ ___ __ _____ ___ __ ___ ___ _ 7411 · Appropriation for__________________ _ 770 Radio CODsultiDI Committee, laterna- tiODaI, halances continued available for________ ______________________ 228 Railroad Adjustment Board, National. appropriation for ________________ 216, 340 Railroad Retirement Account. See Rail- road Retirement Act of 1937. RaUroad Retirement Ad of 1935: Appropriation for pa~'ment of annuities, 905 etc., under _________________ . _ _ _ _ 341 Amendments. See Railroad Retire- 251 ment Act of 1937, Railroad Retirement Ad ofl937. S ., ,, 1.0 Carriers Taxin,; Act of 1937. 226 Administrative • xpenses, appropriation authorized___ __ ___ ____ __ __ ___ __ 317 474 Annuities, eligibility for _____ __ __ ___ __ 309 Computation__ __ __ ___ ___ __ _ ___ __ _ 310 Exemption from taxation, garnish- 62 ment,etc _____________________ 316 Joint and survivor_____ ___ _________ 311 Claims of individuals who became ellg- 853 ible under Retirement Act of 11135, adjudication of, by Board_ _ _____ _ 318 398 Continuance In aervice after agc 65_ _ 318 Prior aervices Included ____________ . . 318 854 Unpaid annuity at death___________ 318 849 Claims of Individuals relinquishing em- ployment but not eligible under Retirement Act of 1935, adjudle&- 865 tlon underAct of 1937.__ ___ ___ __ 318 Court jurisdiction________ ._ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ 315 577 Death benefits______________________ 312 Definition8_ _ ___ _____ __ ____ ____ _____ 307 Erroncouapayments______________ ___ 314 Free tranoportatlon___ ____ ______ _____ 318 Penalties_________________ . _________ 316 68 Pcnslons to Indlvld ual8 on pension or 68 gratuity rolla of employerl___ ____ _ 312 149 Railroad lWtirement Account, estab- lishment in Treasury________ ___ __ 316 Appropriations authorized for____ __ _ 316 Railroad Retirement Board established_ 314 Duties__ ___ __ ___ _______ _____ ___ __ 314 620 Peraonnel ______________________ 314.319 Retirement Act of 1935 continued In 852 for-o:e 88 to annuiti('s granted under _ 319 n..,turn~ of compensation, concluaiveness 878 of; failure to make________ . _ __ _ _ _ 313