Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1023

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San DIe,o. CallI.- Continued. Public lands, exchange of certain, with, authorized. ____________________ _ Sandstone. Minn•• appropriation for con- struction, }<'cderal jaiL ____________ _ Sandusky Rher. Ohio, e:"~mination au- thorized ________ . _. _. ____________ _ Sandy Hook Bay, N. I .• improvement au- thorized._. ___________________ • __ • Sandy River. Ore,.. examination au- thorized_____________________ . _ _ _ _ San Franeiseo Airport. Caut•• establishment of Coast Guard air station authorized_ SaD Franeiseo Bay. Calif., establishment of i'aval air station authorized_. __ _ . Construction, etc.; appropriation au- thorized_____________________ . __ San Frandseo Bay EXpGsition. Ste Golcl- en Gate International Exposition. San FrandBco. CaOf.: Appropriation for-- Dispatch agency ____ • ____ _____ _ .. _' Hydrographic office expenses _____ •.. Mint________________ . _ _ __ • __ __ _ _ • Acquisition of land for cemeterial pur- poses. War Department; appro- priation authorized _____________ _ Federal Exhibits Building, Golden Gate International Exposition, trans- fer to. authorized _______________ _ Harbor improvement authorized _____ _ San Gabriel River. CaUf,. flood control project extended _________________ _ Sanitarium Co.. Portland. Orl!Jl.. con - tracts with, authorized for c..~e of Alaskan ill8&uc. __ . _______ . ______ _ _ Sanltar, Bureau. Pan American. appro- priation for contributioll __________ _ San Jadnto River. Caut.. examination authorized. ______________________ _ San laclnto River. TeL. examination au- thorized__ . ______________________ _ San Joaquin River. Calif•• improvement authorized _______________________ _ San Juan Harbor. Puerto Rico. improve- ment authorized __________________ _ San Jnan. Puerto Rieo: Appropriation for hydrographic office e."Ipenses ______________________ •. Harbor improvemeut anthori~ed _____ _ San Juan Military Reservation, trans- fer of part to; acceptance of other property. __ . __ . _______________ ._ San Lorenzo Creek. CaUf.. examination authorized___________________ ' ___ _ !'\all Lorenzo River. Calif. • exami"atioll authorized __________________ . ___ . San. Bol. Creek. Okla•• exa",illat iOIl 1'11 - thorized_______________________ ... Santa Ana River. CaUf•• (:xaminatioll au- thorized. _________ . ____ ___ ____ _ ._ INDEX LXXIX Pac. Santa Clara River. CaUf.. examination Pace authorized___ _________ ________ ____ 880 25 Santa Fe. N. Mex•• appropriation for edu- cation of Indians_________________ _ li83 282 Santa Marla River. CaUf•• examination authorized______________________ 166,8M 879 Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indiana. Calif•• acquisition of land for use of, appropriation authorized. _________ _ 845 880 Appropriat.ion for_ ------- ----- - -- - -- San Xavier Indian Reservation. ArIL: Appropriation for-- 69 76.1 260 Flood controL___ __ __ ____ ___ __ ___ _ 580 238 Irrigation project, operation, etc_ _ ___ 222 San Xavier Irrl,ation Project. ArIL. sp- 239 propriation for ________ . _________ .. 577 Saraaota Ba1. Fla.. improvement suthor- ized ____________________________ . 1!47 San,u River. M ... .. examination author- Ized_______________ ____ __ ___ ____ _ Ral 266 Saalt Sainte Marie. Mich•• appropriation 118 for hydrographic offi..:e eXpCIISL'8_ .. _. _ Ill! 161 Savannah. Ga.. apforopriation for hydro- graphic office e"p~n8C. ______ . _______ 111'1 Savannah River: 256 Improvement authorized ___ . _. ______ _ Inland Waterways Corporation. ser,'- ices and oi'erationRextcnd~d to ___ _ 492 Time extended for bridging, at Lincoln- 849 ton, Ga _______________________ _ Savanna Ordnance Depot, 111.. improvL'- 167 ment of ammunition storage facilities, appropriation authorized for _______ . Seajaquada Creek. N. Y•• declared non- Gl2 navigahle in Buffalo ______________ _ Schedule of SalUn,a. restriction on print- 267 Ingor. __________________________ _ Schenectady. N. Y ....xamination of water- 879 way '.<lm, to Albany, N. Y ., author- i_ed ____________________________ _ 878 Sch08eld Barracks. Hawaii: ConstnlCtioll at, authorized ________ . __ 849 Transfer of portion of site for post oflice construction__ ...... _... _....... ___ ... __ .... _ 850 School Ship•• Rraduates rated as able sca- men upon graduation _____________ _ Sclentifle Radio Union. International. ap- 118 propriation for contribution ________ _ 850 Sclenti8-: Unlona, International CouDcD of. appropriation for contribution ____ ._ Scioto River. Ohio. examination author- 207 ized ____________________________ _ Seltuate Harbor. Mass.: 880 Examination authorized _____________ _ Improvement authorized______ . _____ _ 1>55 Scotland COUDty. !'I. C•• transfer to middle I judicialdiatrict.. ____ •• _____ ._ -. - -. 878 SeoU. Maylon E ... payment of claim ______ _ Serewworm Control. appropriation for ___ . 879 Seacoast Defenses. appropriation for. _ M7 2S 166 Itl,~ 338 851 861 774 268 268 8i9 RDI 845 671 18 41S 400