Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1039

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INDIIIX xcv Wldte..ater RlYer, Min.., p.x&mlnatlon authoriaOll. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ Wldll... Creek, Va.. examination .u- thorised _________________________ _ Wldt...n CollDt" W..... inclusion of. In northern division of eastern judicial district__________________________ _ Wichita Mon.taIu WUdUfe Refn.e••p- propriation for maintenance _______ _ Wicomico Rlyer. Md•• improvement .u- thorbed____________________ • ____ _ WUdUfe R..&oratlon Projecta: }O"cderal cooperation witl!. States with n..'POIlt to _____________________ _ AdminIatrative expeD8e8 ___________ _ Definitions ______________________ _ MaintenancebyStates. __ • ________ _ Report to Congress_______________ _ Special fund set .part; use of bal.ncl'8_ Statement of proposed projects to be furnished by States; .pproval__ _ P.yments upon completion; ill- stallments during l'<)nstruc- tion______ • ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ _ _ WlUamette Rln,. b.nk protection. tribu- taries added _________ ._ . _________ _ wnua.... Merced.. V . de. and others, .p propri.tion .uthorized for p.yment to Nicaragua for account of. __ ___ _ _ Appropriation for_________________ ._ WUJow Creek. 0reI.. examination .u- thorized __________ • ___ ____ ___ ___ _ _ WlllOn Bubor, N. ¥., examin.tion .u- thorised_________________________ _ Wlnellellt., Va., post office, limit of COI!t increazed________________________ _ Wind Ca... N.llo'" Park, S. D .k., appro- p- 879 852 260 420 846 917 918 917 919 919 917 918 919 133 769 880 S55 774 priation for administration. etc_ ___ _ IiOO WI.d Jlh. Indlaa Reae....tIon. W ,o., .p propriation for irrigation________ 579 Wind Rher IrriIallon Project. W,o., acquisition of certain lands of Sho- ahone Indian Reservation for _ _ _____ 700 WlaeonBln: Appropriation fOI" - Indiana, support. etc., of_ . __ _ 58a, 587 , 590 Weed. Creek. Va., examination author- P _ ised________ •. _______________ . ____ 8li2 WHI Markell•• S '. dies, appropriation for_• _____• __• ____________• ______ _ 427 Work ReUeI. See Emergency Relief Ap- propriation Act of 1937. Works Pro...... Ad"".rallo.. 8 •• alao Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937. Deficiency appropriation nor damage claims _________________ 16,232,776, 776 World War relies, etc.. at Fort Eustis, Va.. loan or gift to American Le- gion Museum. Newport News, V._ 252 World lambor_ S .. Boy Scouts of America. World'. Poaler, Co.........d Expo."o., s.....tll, 8um authorized for Federal partlcipatlon_________ • ____ .. . __ . _ _ 650 Appropriation for_. _ . _. _ - _________ ._ _ 771 Wllrld War Me_rill.. Eo4rope, appropri- ation for dedication "xpeD8e8 _____ .. _ 324 Official delegation ______________ . _____ 324 World War Record.. appropriation for compiling _____________________ • _. World War Veters... See alao Veteran.; Veterans' Adminlatration. Aliens, naturalisation of certain, residing in United States. extension of priv- i1ege _____________ • _________ __ ._ Death compensaticD awards, etJcctive date0'- ______ . ________________ _ Dissppearsnce of incompetent, receiving compensation; payment to depe",l- Cllts_ . ________________ ___ • _____ • Permanent dissblUty for lnaurance pur- poses, definition ________________ _ "Widow of a World War voteran" de- fined __________________________ _ Widow8 and children. eompensation when veteran receiving service- connected benefits.t time of death_ Death compensation. rates_. _ . _____ . Evidence and adjudication of claims_ World War service, period defined_. _• • World War Veter....' Ad. Ameadment, five-year level-premium term policies. renewals for further period _________ _ 117 743 661 661 661 660 660 660 661 241 Missiasippi River, time extended for bridging, at La Croase___________ _ River and harbor improvements author- 94 World War Vete....' Ad 01 ••24. Ame.d- m....t, permanent disability for Insur- ised._ ____ _______ __________ __ ___ 848 Preliruinaryexaminationaauthorized_854 ,879 Twin River Point LighthoUlJlJ Reserv.... tion, conveyance to State. _' ___ " _ 545 Wlt.e_ . United State. Courts: Appropriation for fees, etc______ • _ _ _ 218, 766 Per diem fee. reduction continued •••. _ 282 1 Wome.' . Bureau. S •• Labor, Dep.rt- ment of. an<-e pUrpoaell, definition ________ •. _. Wra••eU Harbor. AIuIIa, examination au- thorised________________ • _. _.. . _. _ W7aco.da RlYer, MOo, examination au- thorized __________________ •• _ ... __ W,omlD,: Appropriation fOI" - Casper-Aleov. project, cOllstruction. Grand Teton National Park, adminis- tr.tion.ete. ___ .... _• ________ _ 661 866 879 SIS 604