Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/320

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 359-JUNE 16, 1937 vehicles for official use in the field ; purchase of equipment (including rubber boots and oilskins), and apparatus ; contingent expenses ; pay of permanent employees not to exceed $387,030 ; temporary labor ; not to exceed $10,000 for propagation and distribution of fresh-water mussels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, and not to exceed $10,000 for the purchase, collection, and transportation of specimens and other expenses incidental to the maintenance and op eration of aquarium, of which not to exce ed $5,000 may be exp ended for personal services in the District of Columbia, $929,000, including no t to excee d $260,000 to establ ish or comm ence the e stablishme nt of those stations authorized by the Act approved May 21, 1930 (46 Stat. 371), for which the need is most urgent, and for the further development of stations heretofore established pursuant to the pro- visions of said Act, including the acquisition of necessary land, con- struction of buildings and ponds, water supply, improvements to gr ounds, purcha se of e quipmen t, and all oth er nece ssary e xpenses . Maintenance of vessels : For maintenance and operation of vessels an d laun ches, i ncludin g purch ase and repair of boa ts, app aratus, ma chinery, a nd other f acilities required fo r use with the same, hire of v essels, te mporary em ployees, a nd all oth er necessa ry expense s in connection therewith, including not to exceed $750 for the purchase of plans and specifications for vessels or for contract personal serv- ice s for the pre paratio n there of, and money accruin g from commu- tation of rations and provisions on board vessels may be paid on pro per vo uchers to the persons having charge of the mess o f such vessels, $168,000, of which not to exceed $13,460 may be expended for pay of officers and employees of vessels of the Atlantic coast, and not to exceed $75,000 for pay of officers and crews of vessels for the Alaska Fis heries Ser vice . Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1938 under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce . Inquiry respecting food fishes : For inquiry into the cause of the decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States, and for inv estiga tion an d exper iments in resp ect to the aqu atic an imals, plants, and waters, and screening of irrigation ditches and fishways, in the interests of fish culture and the fishery industries, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $179,000 ; temporary employees, maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and opera- tion of biological stations, preparation of reports, and not to exceed $500 for rent of suitable quarters in the District of Columbia for labor atory and storage pu rposes, $26 2,000 . Fishery industries : For collection and compilation of statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products, and to enable the Secretary of Commerce to execute the functions imposed upon him by the Act entitled "An Act authorizing associations of prod ucers o f aqua tic pro ducts", approv ed June 25, 19 34 (48 Stat . , p . 1213), including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $60, 000 of which amount not exc eeding $8,620 may be expende d for personal services in the District of Columbia, compensation of tem- porary employees, preparation of reports, contract stenographic reporting services, temporary employees in the District of Columbia not to exceed $2,600, and all other necessary expenses (not exceeding $50 in any one ca se) in con nection th erewith, i ncluding t he purchase (not to exceed $1,100), exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled, passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in the 295 Perm ane nt empl oy- ees, pay ; limitation . Establishing sta- tions . 46 Stat. 371 . Maintenance of ves- sels . A llotment for At - lantic coast and Alaska Fi sheries S erv- ice . Commutation of rations . Food fishes inquiry . Fish ery indus tries . Statistical studies . Co operativ e asso- ciations of producers of aquatic products . 48 Stat . 1213. 15 U.S. C.°521.