Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/379

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354 Expiration of pri- vate employment. Appo rtionme nt and distribution to cover total amount for year. Rule s and r egula- tions. Provisos . Prevailing rates of pay . Volun tary a nd un- compensated services . Emplo ying ne edy not heretofore listed. Res tri cti on on em- ployment . Restoration to rolls where separation not due to fault of en- rollee, etc. Adjusted compen- sation not considered in determining need of employment . Employment of file- gaily entered, etc ., aliens on projects, re- striction . 75TH CONGRESS, IST SESSION-CH . 401-JUNE 29, 1937 of relief who refuses a bona-fide offer of private employment under r easonable wo rking conditi ons which pay s as much or more in com- pensation for the same length of service as such person receives or could receive under this appropriation and who is capable of per- forming such work, shall be retained in employment under this appropriation for the period such private employment would be available : Provided further, That any person who takes such private employment shall at the expiration thereof be entitled to immediate resumption of his previous employment status under this appropria- tion if he is still in need of relief and if he has lost the private employment through no fault of his own . T he funds her ein appropria ted shall be so apportion ed and dis- tributed over the twelve months of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, and shall be so administered during such fiscal year, as to con- stitute the total amount that will be furnished during such fiscal year for relief purposes . SEc. 2. In carrying out the purposes of the foregoing appropriation the President is authorized (a) to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and to utilize agencies within the Government and to empower such agencies to prescribe rules and regulations to carry out the functions delegated thereto by the President : Pro- vided, That the rates of pay for persons engaged upon projects under the foregoing appropriation shall be not less than the prevailing rates of pay for work of a similar nature in the same locality as determined by the Works Progress Administration with the approval of the President ; and (b) to accept and utilize voluntary and uncompensated services, and utilize, with the, consent of the State, suc h State and l ocal officers and employe es as may be necessary, and prescribe their authorities, duties, and responsibilities : Provided, however, Tha t in the empl oyment of per sons, applic ants in actua l need whose names have not here tofore been p laced on reli ef rolls shall be given the same eligibility for employment as applicants whose names have heretofore appeared on such rolls : Provided further, That in order to insure the fulfillment of the purposes for which the foregoing appropriation is made and to avoid competition between the Works Progress Administration and other Federal or non-Fed- eral agencies in the employment of labor on construction projects of any nature whatsoever, financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government, no relief worker shall be eligible for employment on any project of the Works Progress Administration who has refused to accep t employment on any other Federal or n on-Federal pr oject at a wage rate comparable with or higher than the wage rate estab- lished for similar work on projects of the Works Progress Adminis- tr ation : Provide d furth er, That any relief worker who has been engaged on any Federal or non-Federal project and whose service has been regularly terminated through no fault of his own shall not lose his eligibility for restoration to the relief rolls or for reemploy- ment on any other Federal or non-Federal project on account of such previous employment : Provided further, That the fact that a person is entitled to or has received either adjusted-service bonds or a Treasury check in payment of an adjusted-compensation certificate shall not be considered in determining actual need of such employ- ment. SEC. 3 . The departments, agencies, or establishments having super- vision of projects for which funds from the foregoing appropriation are made available shall not knowingly employ on such projects aliens illegally within the limits of the United States or aliens who have not filed declaration of intention to become citizens, and they shall