Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/403

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378 Witnes s f ees and ju rors ' com pens atio n . New building, com- pletion . Municipal Court . Salaries. Jurors . Precise. Deposits for jury trial earned unless new date set, etc . 41 Stat.1312. Conting ent ex- penses . District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia. Sala ries . Jurors and wit- ne sse s. R.S.°850. 28U.S.C.°604. Bailiffs, etc . Proviso . Jury commis sioners . Probation system . C ourt hous e, c are, etc . R epairs, etc. Court of Appeals . Salaries . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH. 403-J UNE 29, 1 937 articles, medicines, soap and disinfectants, lodging and meals for jurors and bailiffs when ordered by the court, United States flags and halyards, and all other nece ssary and inc idental expen ses of e very kind not otherwise provi ded for, $11,600, of which no t exceed- ing $750 shall be available for telephone and telegraph service . For witness fees an d compensation of jurors, $24 ,000 . For completing construction of a building in Judiciary Square to house the Police Court of the Dist rict of Columbia, including f urni- ture and equipment, and inspection , $450,000 . MUNICIPAL COURT Salaries : For personal services, including compensation of five judges without reference to the limitation in this Act restricting sal- aries within the grade, $77,170 . For compensation of jurors, $6,000 : Provided, That deposits made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed by the court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act approved March 3, 1921 (41 Stat ., p . 1312), shall be earned unless, prior to three days before the time set for such trials, including Sundays and legal holidays, a new date for trial be set by the court, cases be discontinued or settled, or demands for jury trials be waived . For contingent expenses, in cluding books, law books, boo ks of ref- erence, fuel, light, telephone, lodging and meals for jurors, and for deputy United States marshals while in attendance upon jurors, when ordered by the court ; fixtures, repairs to furniture, building and building equipment, and all other necessary miscellaneous items and supplies, $3,250 . DISTRICT COURT OF Tlir . UN ITED STAT ES FOR THE DISTRI CT OF COL UMBIA Salaries : For the chief justice, eight associate justices, nine ste- nographers (one for the chief justice and one for each associate jus- tice), and other personal services, $137,300 . Fees of jurors and witnesses : For mileage and per diem of jurors for mileage a nd per diem of witnesses and for per diem in lieu of subsistence, and payment of the expenses of witnesses in said court as provided by section 850, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 28, sec . 60 4), $85, 000 . For not exceeding twenty deputy marshals who act as bailiffs, clerks of jury commissioners, and per diems of jury commissioners, and for expenses of meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases, and of bailiffs in attendance upon same when ordered by the court, $37,400 : Provided, That the compensation of each jury com- missioner for the fiscal year 1938 shall not exceed $250 . Probation system : For personal services, $13,280 ; contingent ex- penses, $500 ; in all, $13,780 . Courthouse : For personal services for care and protection of the courthouse, under the direction of the United States marshal of the District of Columbia, $35,290, to be expended unde r the direction of the Attorney General . For repairs and improvements to the courthouse, including repair and maintenance of the mechanical equipment, and for labor arid material and every item incident thereto, $19,675, of which $9,000 shall be immediately available for changing electric wiring in said courthouse from direct to alternating current, to be expended under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol . COURT OF APPE ALS Salaries : For the chief justice and four associate justices, marshal, $3,600, whose appointment is hereby authorized, five law clerks at