Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/612

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7 5TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 1937 North Carolina : Cherokee, $18,000, together with the unexpended balance under this head for the fiscal year 1937 ; Oregon : Klamath, $76,650, of which $4,000 shall be available only for traveling and other expenses, including not to exceed $5 per diem in lieu of subsistence, of members of the tribal council, or of representatives of the tribe engaged on business of the tribe at the seat of government ; and $6,500 shall be available only for com- pensation and expenses of attorneys for services rendered and to be rendered during the fiscal years 1937 and 1938 under a contract app roved by the Secre tary of the Inter ior, in acc ordanc e with existing law ; Utah : Uintah and Ouray, $7,100, of which amount not to exceed $3,000 shall be available for the payment of an agent employed under a contract, approved by the Secretary of the Interior ; Washington : Puyallup, $1,000 for upkeep of the Puyallup I nd i an c e me t er y ; Taholah (Quinaielt), $17,800, toge ther with the unexpended balance under this head for the fiscal year 1937 ; (Neah Bay ), $7, 500, t ogethe r wit h the unexpe nded balanc e unde r this head for the fiscal year 1937 ($4,000 for monthly allowances for care of old and indigent Indians, additional for water supply, $2,500, and $1,000 for burial expenses) ; Yakima, $250 ; Tulalip, $1,000 ; Swinomish, $500 ; in all $28,050 ; Wisconsin : Keshena, $85,500, including $20,000 for monthly allow- ances, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interio r may prescri be, to old and indigent mem bers of the Me nom- inee Tribe who reside with relatives or friends : Provided, That not more than $14,000 of this appropriation may be used for fees and expenses of attorneys employed under contract, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, during the fiscal years 1936, 1937, and 1938 , In all, not to exceed $434,400 . Support of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota (tribal funds) : For general support, administration of property, and promotion of self- support among the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota, $44,000, to be paid from the principal sum on deposit to the credit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, arising under section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chip- pewa Indians in the State of Minnesota", approved January 14, 1889 (25 Stat ., p . 645), of which amount not to exceed $40,000 may be expended, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, in aiding indigent Chippewa Indians including boarding-home care of pupils attending public or high schools . For compensation and expenses of an attorney or attorneys employed by the Chippewa tribe under a contract, approved by the Sec retary of the Interior on A pril 15, 1937 , $10,000, pay able from the principal sum on deposit to the credit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota , arising unde r section 7 o f the Act enti tled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the state of Minnesota", approved January 14, 1889 (25 Stat., p . 645), of which so much as may be nec essary shall be available f or compensation earned and expenses incurred during the fiscal year 1937 . There is hereby authorized to be expended out of the fund "Inter- est on Judgment Cour t of Claims, C reek Indian N ation", now st and- ing to the credit of the Creek Nation of Indians in the Treasury of the Unite d States, the sum of not ex ceeding $2,00 0 to be paid, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to attorneys for said Creek Nation of Indians employed under the authority of the Act of Congress approved May 24, 1924 (43 Stat . 139), the payments Utah . Wis con sin . Att orn eys . 25 Stat. 645. 43 Stat. 139 . 587 North Carolina. Balance reappropri- ated . 49 Stat. 1778. Oregon . Tribal council, trav- eling, etc ., expenses . Washington . Balance reappropri- ated . 49 Stat. 1778. Indigent, etc ., In- dians, monthly allow- ances . Water suppl y . Proviso . Attorneys' fees, etc . Chip pewas in Min - nesota . General support, from tribal funds . 25 Stat .645 . Aiding indigent . etc. Pay men ts to att or- neys for Creek Nation, from tribal funds .