Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/620

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75TH CONGRESS . 1ST SESSION-CH . 570--AUGUST 9, 19 37 reclamation projects named ; but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said projects, except that should existing works or the water supply for lands under cultivation be endangered by floods or other unusual condi- tions an amount sufficient to make necessary emergency repairs shall become available for expenditure by further transfer of appropria- tion from any of said projects upon approval of the Secretary of the Interior ; Construction : For continuation of construction of the following projects in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively, to be expended from the Reclamation Fund under the same general con- ditions and in the same manner and for the same objects of expendi- ture as specified for projects hereinbefore in this Act under the cap- tion "Bureau of Reclamation", and to be reimbursable under the reclamation law Gila project, Arizona, $700,000 ; said Gila project, including the waters to be diverted and used thereby and the lands and structures for the diversi on and s torage th ereof, t o be subj ect to t he provis ions of the Boulder Canyon Project Act of December 21, 1928, and sub-' ject to and controlled by the provisions of the Colorado River Com- pact signed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 24, 1922 ; Salt River project, Arizona, $500,000 ; Orland project, California : For construction and other work authorized by section 5 of the Act of June 24, 1936 (49 Stat . 1907), $35,0 00 ; Colorado -Big Thomps on project, Colorado : For cons truct ion in accordance with the plan described in Senate Document Numbered 80, Seven ty-fi fth C ongre ss, $ 900,0 00 : Provided, That no construc- tion thereof shall be commenced until the repayment of all costs of the project shall, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, be assured by appropriated contracts with water conservancy districts, or irrigation districts or water users' associations organized under the laws of Colorado, or other form of organization satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior ; Pine River project, Colorado, $500,000 ; Boise project, Idaho, Payette division, $1,000,000 ; Sun River project, Montana, $300,000 ; Carl sbad proje ct, N ew Me xico, $200 ,000 ; Owyhee project, Oregon, $500,000 ; Klamath project, Oregon-California, $125,000 ; Belle Fourche project, South Dakota, $130,000 ; Ogden River project, Utah, $250,000 ; Provo River project, Utah, $750,000 ; Yakima project, Washington, Roza division, $1,500,000 ; Casper-Alcova project, Wyoming, $650,000 : Pro vide d, That in recogni tion of the resp ective ri ghts of both the States o f Colorad o and Wyoming to the amicable use of the waters of the North Platte River, neither the construction, maintenance, nor operation of said project shall ever interfere with the present vested rights or the full est use he reafter for all b eneficia l purpose s of the waters o f said s tream or any of its tributaries within the drainage basin thereof in Jackson County, in the State of Colorado, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to reserve the power by contract to enforce such provisions at all times : Provided further, That from and after the passage of this Act, the reclamation project heretofore known as the Casper-Alcova project shall be known and des ignated on the public records as the Kendrick project, and that the change in the name of said project shall in no wise affect the rights of the State of Wyoming or the State of Colorado or any county, munici pality, Emergency flood re- pairs . Construction of des- ignated projects . Gila, Ariz . 45 Stat.1057. Salt River, Ariz . Orl and, Ca lif . 49 Stat .1907. 595 Colorado-Big Thompson, Colo, Proviso . Repayment of costs . Pine River, Colo . Boise, Payette divi- si on, Ida ho . Sun River, Mont . Carlsbad, N . Mex . Owyhee, Oreg . Kla math ,

Oreg : Calif. Belle Fourche, S . Dak. Ogden River, Utah . Provo River, Utah . Yak ima, Ro za d ivi- sion, Wash . Cas per- Alco va, Wyo . Provisos . Rights of States rec- ognized . Casper-Alcova project

designation changed to Kendrick .