Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/665

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75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 624-626-AUGUST 14, 1937 [CHAPTER 6241 August 14, 1937

AN ACT [H. R. 6295]

To dispens e with unne cessary ren ewals of oa ths of offi ce by civil ian employ ees of [Public, No . 2841

the executive departments and independent establishments . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That civilian em- ployees of the executive departments and independent establishments of the United States w ho, upon original appointment , have subscribed to the oath of office required by section 1757 of the Revised Statutes, shall not be required to renew* the said oath because of any change in status so long as their services are continuous in the department or independent establishment in which employed, unless in the opinion of the head of the department or independent establishment the public interests require such renewal . Approved, August 14, 1937 . E xecu tive dep art- ments, etc . Renewal of oath of o ffice not requ ired in certain cases . R. S. °1757. 5U .S .C .°16 . [CHAPTER 62 5] August 14, 1937 [H. R . 6976]

To provide for the es tablishment of a Coast Guard stat ion on the coast of A labama [Public, No . 285]

at or near Daup hin I sland , Ala bama . Be it ena cted by the S enate and Ho use of Repres entatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized to esta blish a Coast G uard station on the coast of Alabama, at or near Da uphin Island, Alabama . Approved, August 14, 1937 . Dauphin Island, Ala . Establishment of Coast Guard station authorized . August 14, 1937 [H. R . 7373] [Public, No . 286] Toll bridges on Fed- era]-aid highways . Existing, becoming free of tolls prior to July 1, 1939; limited aid t o, authorized . Provisos . Payment forbidden, if not according to Go vern ment stand- ards, etc . Ma xi mum allow- ance . Use of, by State . [CHAPTER 626 ] AN ACT AN ACT To aid the several States in making, or for having made, certain toll bridges on the system of Federal-aid highways free bridges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the c ase o f each and ev ery State, or political s ubdivision or subdivisions t hereof, which, prior to the d ate of approval of this Act s hall have constructed or acquired any toll bridges on the approved System of Federal-aid highways, and which has caused or shall, prior to July 1, 1939, cause, any such toll bridge, or toll bridges, to be made free, the Secretary of Agriculture shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay out of the Federal-aid road funds apportioned to such State not to exceed 50 per centum of such amount as may be approved by the S ecretary of Agriculture as th e reasonable value or constru ction cost of any such bridge whichever shall be least : Pro vided, T ha t n o payment of Federal funds shall be made on account of any such bridge which was not constructed in accordance with plans and speci fications which would meet th e standards required by the S ecre- tary of Agriculture at the time such bridge was constructed, nor on account of any bridge the construction of which was completed prior to March 3, 1927 : And provided further, That no such payment shall be made which will exceed 50 per centum of the reasonable value or cost of the labor and materials which were actually incorporated in the construction of such bridge, excluding all costs of rights-of- way, property damages, and financing costs, whichever, value or cost, shall be least, and any amount so paid on account of any such bridg e ' shall be used by the highway department of such State for match-