Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/721

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696 Report t o Congre ss . Sum authorized for expenses . Aug ust 19, 1 937 [S . 2639] [Public. loo . 316] Fort Schuyler Mili- tary Reservation, N. Y. Lease to State au- thorized . Terms, conditions, etc . Protisos . Improvements . Consideration for lease . Reservation by United States . August 19, 1937

IS .2871)

_ [Public, No . 317] Army . Reenlistment of aliens; citizenship re- quirements modified . Ante, p . 446 . Proviso . Ree nlistment of Fil- ipinos . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 69 6-69 S-A UGUS T 1 9,19 37' and considering plans for the construction of such memorial, or other expen ses incurr ed, or to b e incurred, in carry ing out th e provisio ns of this joint resolution . SEC. 3. The Commis sion sh all rep ort its recomm endati ons to Con- gress as s oon as practicable . SEC. 4. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,500 which shall be available to defray the necessary expenses of the Com- mission for the p erformance of their duties her ein prescri bed . Di s - bursement of the sum herein authorized shall be made on vouchers approved by the Chairman of the Commission . Approved, August 19, 1937 . [CHAPTER 697] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to lease the Fort Schuyler Military Reservation, New York . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to lease to the State of New York, for nautical education purposes in the interests of national defen se, t he Fo rt Sc huyle r Mili tary Reser vatio n, New York, or portions thereof, for such term or terms, and upon such conditions as the Secretary of War may deem advisable, and he may authorize the State of New York incident to making the premises suitable for occupancy to change the contour of the land, alter or demolish existing buildings and other structures, erect new buildings and structures, construct roads and other utilities, and landscape the reservation : Provide d, That all alterations, construction, and improv ements made sh all bec ome th e prope rty of the Uni ted Sta tes Provid ed furt her, That the consideration for said lease or leases shall be the repair and maintenance of the property by the State of New York in accordance with the terms of the lease, and such lease or leases shall rese rve to the United St ates of Am erica the r ight to resume possess ion and occupy said premise s or an y porti on ther eof whenever in the judgment of the Secretary of War an emerency exists that requires the use and appropriation of the same f or' the public def ense . Approved, August 19, 1937 . [CHAPTER 698] AN ACT For the protection of certain enlisted men of the Army . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstand- ing the language contained in the second proviso on page 6 of the Act of July 1, 1937 (Public, Numbered 176, Seventy-fifth Congress, first session), or any other Act, during the three-year period follow- ing the enactment of this Act, enlisted personnel of the Army who have legally declared their intention to become citizens, or who do so during their current enlistment, or who have been discharged from the Army since July 1, 1937, and who also agree to complete e xpeditious ly their na turalizati on and bec ome citize ns of the United States may be reenlisted and receive the pay to which, except for the aforesaid proviso, they would otherwise be legally entitled : Pro- vided, That Filipinos who were serving in the Army on July 1, 1937, maybe r eenlist ed with out reg ard to their citizen ship st atus, a nd receive the pay to which otherwise legally entitled . Approved, August 19, 1937 . 0