Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/82

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 61, 64, 69 March3 0 , 1937 April 1 . 6, 1937 [CHAPTER 61] JOINT RESOLUTION De clarin g Jose ph P. Kenn edy el igible for ap pointm ent as a mem ber of the United States Maritime Commission . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing the provisions of Section 201 (b) of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, approved June 29, 1936, Joseph P . Kennedy is declared to be eligible for appointment as a member of the United States Maritime Commission . Approved, March 30, 1937 . [CHAPTER 69] JOI NT R ESOLU TION Making funds available for the control of incipient or emergency outbreaks of insect pests or plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and chinch bugs . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United St ates o f America in Congress assembled, That for the application of such methods of control of incipient or emergency outbreaks of insect pests or plant diseases, including grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and chinch bugs, as, in the judgment of the Secretary of Agricul- ture, may be necessary, in cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations or individuals as the Secretary may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, including the employ- ment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and else- where, printing, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and for 57 March 30, 1937 [S. J. Res. 110] [Pub. Res ., No . 19] United States Mari- time Commission . Joseph P . Kennedy declared eligible for ap poi ntme nt as a member of . 49 Stat . 1985. 46 U.S. C., Supp. II, § 1111. [CHAPTER 641 AN ACT April 1, 1937 To amend section 704 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (49 U.S.Stat.L . [n. R . 4951] 2008-2009) .

[Public, No . 27] Be it en ac ted by the Senate and Hou se o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 704 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (49 U . S . Stat . L . 2008-2009) be a mended to read as fo llows "SEC . 7 04 . All v essels transfe rred t o or ot herwise acquir ed by the Commission in any manner may be chartered or sold by the Commission pursuant to the further provisions of this Act . All vessels transferred to the Commission by this Act and now being operated by private operators on lines in foreign commerce of the United States shall be temporarily operated by the Commission for its account by private operators until such time and upon such op erati ng agr eemen ts as the Commi ssion may d eem a dvant ageous , but t he Commiss ion shall a rrange as soon as pr acticable to offer a ll such lines of vessels for charter as hereinafter provided, preference to be given to present operators, and all operation of the Commis- sion's vessels by private operators under such operating agreements shal l be disco ntinued wi thin one y ear after the passag e of this A ct Pro vided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent private oper- at ors, und er s uch o pera ting agr eeme nts, comm enci ng v oyag es prior to said expiration date and completing them thereafter : Pro- vided further, That nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting or affecting the power of sale under provisions of section 705 of this Act ." Approved, April 1, 1937 . Merchant Marine Act of 1936, amend- ment . 49 Stat. 2008. 46 U.S. C., Supp. II, §1194. Chartcr or sale of vess els acqu ired by Commission . Temporary opera• tion in foreign com- merce, by pr iv ate operators ; time limi- tation . Provisos . Completion of voy- ages begun before ex- pir ation dat e . Sale provisions not affected . April 6, 1937 [S.J. Res.75] [Pub . Res., No . 20] Insect p est and plant disease control. App ropriati on au- thorized for . Post, pp . 120, 514 . Personal services, etc .