Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/838

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSI ON-CHS . 78 0, 781, 815-AUGUST 25, 26, 1937 and such contracts may contain, subject to the provisions of this Act, such terms and cond itions as may be agr eed upon by and between the common council of said city of Ketchikail and the United States of America or any agency or Instrumentality thereof, or any other purchaser of the bonds. SEc . 7 . The provisions of the Act approved May 28, 1936, entitled "An Act to authorize municipal corporations in the Territory of Alaska to incur bonded indebtedness, and for other purposes" (49 Stat . 1388), as amended, shall not affect the issuance or payment of the bonds authorized by this Act or any proceedings taken hereunder . Approved, August 25, 1937 . [CH APT ER 78 1] JOI NT RES OLUT ION To am end t he pu blic resol ution appr oved June 5, 19 36, e ntitl ed "Jo int r esolu tion authorizing and requesting the President to extend to the Government of Sweden and individuals an invitation to join the Government and people of the United States in the observance of the three-hundredth anniversary of the fir st permane nt settlem ent in the Delaware River Vall ey, and fo r other purpose s ." Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of Public Resolution Numbered 102 of the Seventy-fourth Congress is amended by inserting a comma and the words "the Government of Finland" after the words "Government of Sweden" and before the word "and" ; and by inserting the words "and Finnish" after the word "Swedish" and before the word "colonists" . That section 2 be amended by inserting the words "the Govern- ment of Finland" aft er the words "Governm ent of Sweden" and befor e the word "an d" . Approved, August 25, 1937 . TITLE I-PERSONAL HOLDING COMPANIES SEC. 1 . AMENDMENT OF 19 36 ACT. Title IA of the Revenue Act of 1936 is amended to read as follows "TITLE IA ADDI TIO NAL INC OME TA XES "SEC. 351. SURTAX ON PERSONAL HOLDING COMPANIES . "The re sha ll be levied , coll ected, and pa id, fo r each taxab le yea r (in ad dition to th e taxe s impo sed by Title 1) upo n the undist ribute d adjusted net income of every personal ho lding company a surtax equal to the sum of the following "(1) 65 per centum of the amount thereof not in excess of $2,000 ; plus "(2) 75 per centum of the amount thereof in excess of $2,000 . Terms and condi- tions. Existing provisions not to affect issuance, etc . 49 Stat.1388. 48 U.S. C., Supp.. II, °° 44a-e . August 26, 1937 [S.J.Res.135] 1Pub. Res., No.71] Delaware River 4 al- ley tercentenary . Invitation to Fin- land to participate in- observance of . 49 Stat.1487. 813 Title I-Personal bol ding c ompani es . 49 Stat . 1732. 26 U.S. C., Supp. II, ° 331. Title IA-Addition- al income taxes . Surtax on personal bo ldi ng com pan ies . [CHA PTER 8151 AN ACT August 26, 1937 To provide revenue, equalize taxation, prevent tax evasion and avoidance, and [H. R . 8234] fur other purposes . [Public, No . 3777 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That this Act May R eve nue Act or be cited as the "Revenue Act of 1937" . 1937.