Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/873

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848 Calcasieu River and Pass, La. Bayous Petit Anse, etc., La. Wat erway, White Lake to Pecan Island, La. Sab ine-Ne ches Waterway, Tex . Louisiana and Texas Intracoastal Water- way, La . and Tex. Texas City Chan- nel, Tex. Channel, Pass Ca- vallo to Port Lavaca, Tex. Brazos Island, Tex. Ouachita and Black Rivers, Ark . and La . Mississippi River, Missouri Rive r to Minn eapolis , Minn . At Minneapolis, Minn . Black River, Wis . Indiana Harbor and Cana l, Ind . Ontonagon, Mich . Cornucopia, Wis . Green Bay, W is . ZSuasnico River, Manitowoc, Wis . Racine, Wis . Pensaukee, Wis . Harbors at Wash- ington Island, Wis . Grand Haven, Mich . Frankfort, Mich . Detroit River, Mich . Monroe, M ich . 75TH CONGRESS, 1 sT SESSION-CH . 832-AUGUST 26, 1937 Calcasieu River and Pass, Louisiana ; House Document Numbered 299, Sev enty -fif th C ongr ess ; Bayous Petit Anse, Tigre, and Carlin, Louisiana ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 40, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Waterway from White Lake to Pecan Island, Louisiana ; House Document Numbered 78, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 3, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Louisia na and Texas Intracoastal W aterway, Loui siana and Texa s ; Senate Commerce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth Congress

Texas City Channel, Texas ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 47, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Channel from Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca, Texas ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 37, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Brazos Island Harbor, Texas ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 32, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Ouachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana ; Senate Com- merce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Mississippi River between Missouri River and Minneapolis, Minne- sota : The existing project is hereby modified in accordance with the recommendation of the District Engineer in the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 34, Seventy- fifth Congress ; Mississippi River, Minneapolis, Minnesota : Extension of the nine foot channel above Saint Anthony's Falls, in accordance with the plan contained in House Document Numbered 137, Seventy-second Congress, first session ; subject to such changes therein as may be fou nd advisable by the Chief of Engineers, and the final approval of the plan by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, as necessary to provide adequate terminal facilities for Minneapolis ; Black River, Wisconsin ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 23, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Indiana Harbor and Canal, Indiana ; Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee Document Numbered 13, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Ontonagon Harbor, Michigan

Sen ate Co mmerce Comm ittee Docu-

ment, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Cor nuco pia Har bor , Wi scon sin

Senate Com mer ce Committee Document, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Green Bay Harbor, Wisconsin- Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc ument Number ed 73, Seve nty-fo urth C ongre ss ; Big S uamico River , Wis consin ; House Document Numbered 498, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Manitowoc Harbor, Wisconsin ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Doc ument Number ed 80, Seve nty-fo urth C ongre ss ; Racine Harbor, Wisconsin ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 46, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Pensaukee Harbor, Wisconsin ; House Document Numbered 478, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Harb ors at Was hing ton Isl and, Wis con sin ; H ouse Docum ent Numbered 90, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Grand Haven Harbor, Michigan ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 1, Seventy-fifth Congress ; Frankfort Harbor, Michigan ; House Document Numbered 511, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Detroit River, Michigan ; House Document Numbered 205, Seventy- fifth Congress ; Monroe Harbor, Michigan

Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu-

ment Numbered 45, Seventy-fifth Congress ;