Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/893

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 8 69- AUG UST 28, 1 937 erly along the northerly line of Andover Township 939 .7 feet to the northwest corner of Lot Number 41 thence southerly along the highway that marks the westerly line of Lot Number 42 1000 feet to a point thence of Lot Number 42 thence easterly along the north line of Lot Number 42 1000 feet to a point thence In a southerly direction parallel to and 1000 feet easterly - from the westerly line of Lot Number 42 2734 feet more or less to the southerly line of Lot Number 42 thence easterly along the said southerly line of Lot Number 42 5180 .4 feet to the Ohio and Pe nnsylvania State line thence no rtherly al ong the sa id Ohio an d Pe nnsylva nia Sta te Lin e 7297 .6 fe et more or less to a point that is 1523 feet southerly from the north line of Lot Number 80 thence in a westerly direction 1523 feet southerly from and parallel to the north lines of Lots Numbers 79 and 80 5260 feet more or less to the place of beginning. "It is expressly agreed that nothing herein contained shall be interpreted as entitling the residents of either state whether licensed to fish or otherwise to fish in hunt trespass or enter upon said sanctuary for any purpose whatsoever . Anyone so doing shall become amenable to prosecution therefor under the laws of the State of Ohio applicable thereto . "9. RE SER VAT ION OF PE NNS YLV ANI A'S RI GHT TO THE BO DY OF 1HE WAT ER Pennsylvania's right

"It is expressly agreed that nothing herein contained shall to the bo dy of the operate to deny limit or restrict the right of the Water and Power Resources Board of Pennsylvania or any authority estab- lished hereafter by said state to exercise such power to at any time now or hereafter raise or draw off so much of the waters of the lake as in their sole judgment may be necessary to maintain or regulate the flow of the Shenango and Beaver Rivers in fur- therance of the primary purpose for which said lake was estab- lished and said Water and Power Resources Board shall without let or hindrance have the full right irrespective of other considerations to release so much of the water as they may deem proper to maintain the flow of the Shenango and Beaver Rivers irrespective of its effect on the level of the lake or use thereof for o ther purpos es . "In witness whereof The parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands and seals by for and under the authority of their respective states this 28th day of October 1936 . "COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA "by and through " Witne ss "WATER AND POWER RESOURCES BOARD "By J. F . BOGARDUS


"Commissioner "R. P. JOHNSTON "Approved as to form and manner of execution "GG RovER C . LADNER "Grover C . Ladner "Depu ty Att orney Gene ral and

"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" Whereas the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia by act approved the 5th day of June 1937 ratified and approved said compact or agreement ; and