Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/961

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Coachella Valle, Irrilation Project, Callt, appropriation for _________________ _ Coal. See BituminoQ8 Coal Act of 1937. CoBD River, VL, improvement authorized_ Coa8t and Geodetic Survey. See Com- merce, Department of. Coast Artillery, Chief of. See War De- partment. Coast Artmery School, Fort Monroe, VL, appropriation for expeDSe8 _________ _ Coast Guard. See also Treasury Depart- ment. Air station at San Francisco Airport authorized; acquisition of land; ~ 8trUCtiOn, etc _______________ _ Avu..t . on shore stations, restriction on of funds for cODstruction, etc., of new ________________________ _ Civilian Conservation Corps, detail of Reserve officers to active duty with_ Distinguished flying cross, provisioTls for awarding, extended to_______ _ Enlistments _______________________ _ Extension by voluntary agreement __ Temporary detention beyond term __ Term; regulations governing _______ _ Filipinos, waiver of residence require- ments after certain service in____ _ Marine hospitals, etc., medical care of personnel; Act repealed _________ _ Northem Pacifio Halibut Act of 1937, enforcement of provisions by _____ _ Ordnance property, sales of, to officers for use in public service _________ _ Public Health Service, medical care by, of personnel. ____ ____ ___ ____ __ _ Retired officers- Captain8, grade above to be rear admiral (lower half) __________ _ Commandant, retirement, pay, etc __ Commodore, rank abolished _______ _ Exception to restriction on holding certain other public office ex- tended to____________________ _ Pay adjustment of certain, retired because of disability incurred in line of duty in war time _______ _ Station8, establishment of, at-- Beav...r Bay, Minn ________________ _ Dauphin Island, Ala ____ . _. _. Fort Myers, Fla_ ___ _ _ .. ______ _ Lake Pontchartraill, La __ . _____ _- - Maine coast_____ .. __ .___ Mani8tique, Mich ____ . . _ _ _ _. _ _ Menominee, Mich ____ . ___ . ______ . Pass--a -Grille, Fla _____ . __ _______ . Saint Augustine, Fla _____ . ________ _ Tybee Island, coast of Geo.rgia ____ -. Coast Guard Academy: Bachelor of p.cience degree may be con- ferred upon living graduates _____ _ INDE.~ XVI[ l'aee 577 846 460 260 146 320 549 547 548 548 547 548 548 327 OJast Guard Academy-Continued. Cadets, initial clothing allowance _____ _ Permanent instruction staff estab- lished; appointments____________ _ Advisory committee, appointment, duties, etc___________________ _ Assignment of officers, etc., to In- IItruction duty ________ . __ ..____ Civilian in8tructors, appointment, pay, etc _____________________ _ Existing provisions repealed; re. IItriction on present appointees_ Congressional Board of Visitors, ap- pointment, duties, etc _________ _ FundaavaUable for expenses_______ _ Rank, pay, etc ___________________ _ Retirement ______________________ _ Coast Pllot. appropriation for compila- tion _____________________________ _ CodltatioD Board. Se6 Federal Register Act, Amendment_ Cohan, Georle M., 8iJpropriation for medal for ________________________ _ Cohan8eY River. N. I., improvement authorized_______________________ _ Coins aDd CoIUle: Antietam, Battle of, commemorative coinage authorized ______________ _ Minor coin metal (und, amount in- creased ________________________ _ Norfolk, Va., commemorative coinage, three-hundredth anniversary of oric- Paee 549 66 67 67 67 68 67 67 66 67 231 306 647 inalland grant, etc_______________ 322 65 Colledora 01 Cuto..... deficiency ..ppro- priation for paymcnt of jud«I'lents again8t____________________________ 783 548 252 252 252 549 550 546 640 639 169 259 325 325 169 546 205 Colledor. olllltern", deficiency appropriation for payment of judg- ments apinBt_____________________ 776 CoIDDaville, AIL, appropriation for river and harbor works__________________ 516 Comnaville Cut, CIUI., examination au- thoriaed__________________________ S55 Colombia, appropriatioIl for minister to_ _ 263 Colorado: Appropriation for- Colorado-Big Thompson project, con- struction _ ___ _______ ___ _______ 595 Indian irrigr.tion Projects___________ 577 Indians, support, etc., of _ ____ 577, 584, 590 Mesa Verde National Park, adminis- tration, etc_ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ 605 Pine River project, construction_____ 595 Rocky Mountain National Park, ad- minilltration, etc___ __ __________ 605 Air Corps Technical School, cOll8truc- tion at, authorized_______________ 857 FitzsimolUl General Hospital, constru('o tion at, authorized_______________ 859 Rivers ar;d harbors, preliminary ex- amillatiOl1S authorized. ____ _ _ _ _ _ 878. 879