Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/982

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XXXVIII INDEX Page I Glen Haven Harbor, Mich.• exantinatlon Pall'8 Georte Washlnlton Memonal BuIldln,. provisions for erection ot, repealed __ Geor,e Was.llnlt.n Farkway, appropriation for maintenancl', etc_ 339,609 Geor,la: 53 authorued ___ - ___ _____ ___ ___ ______ 854 Goothala, M .... Gen. Geor,e W •• appro- priation for ercl'tion of memorial, CaoaJZonc ______________________ _ . 'i2ll Appropriation for adminilltration, Ken- nesaw Mountain National Battle- Golden Gate International Exposition: Copyrights and patenUt, protection of, of field Park ______ . - ______________ 606 foreign exhibitors __________ . . ___ _ 211 Fort Benning, construction at·, author- ized ______________ - __ - - __ .--___ Fort McPherson, conlltructioll at, au- thorized ____ .. _____________ --__ _ River and harbor improvements au- tho~ed __ __ _ _ " _________ _______ _ Savannah River, time extended for bridging, at Lincolnton ________ _ Southern Judicial Dist!"ict, BrUIl8\\;ck division created _____________ - __ Tybee Island, Clltablillhment of Co88t Guard station ______________ - __ _ Germ.., .: Appropriation for- Ambassador to __________________ .- Mixed Claims Commission, United States and ___________________ _ GibBOn, Richard W •• payment uf clainl __ Gila Indian Rellen.tloll. Ariz., appropri- ation for irrigation project_ . _ _ _ -__ _ Gila Project. Arl... appropriation for COI~- struction ________________________ _ Gila Rlyer. Ariz.. <'xamination authorued_ Gilberte Ferr,.. AIL, bridge authorized across Coosa ilivcr at. ___ _ _ _ _____ _ GUbertaviUe, Ky., appropriation Cor dam construction at. __________________ _ GUmore Creek. Minn., examination au- thorued_________________________ _ Girl Gllides ..d Girl Seoute Silver Jubilee Camp, temporary entry of Rlit,n participants______________________ _ Free entry of personal effects _________ _ Girl Scouta, temporary entry of alien par- ticipants, Silver Jubilee Camp, 1937_ Free entry of personal effects _________ _ Girl Seoate, Inc., patent on badge re- newed ___________________________ _ Glrt18 Run, FL, examination authorized_ Glaeier County. MODt •• school building construction, funda continued avail- able ____________________________ _ Glaeier National Fark, Mont., appropria- tion for administration, etc_________ _ Gladstone Harbor, Mich., examination &uth o~ed ______________ _________ _ GI..,o.., MonL, accommodations (or dis- trict cOllrt provided in Federal build- 101------------------------------- Gte. Ar'.... Harbor. Mich., examination aut bo r~ ______________ _________ _ 857 860 847 28 739 205 Certificates of proprietorship, issuance of. ______ ______ ___ ~ ~ ____ . Duration vf protection _________ .__ Infringement of protected matter, liabilities and remedlt'S ________ _ Penalty provislons ______ .____ . ___ ... Reimbursement of incurred expenses_ Dutiable articles imported for exhibi- tion purposes admitted free; regu- lations ____________ . ______ _ F'articipatlon by United Statcs ________ _ Appropriation authorized __________ _ Appropriation for _______________ _ Commission established, composition. 212 ~13 212 213 213 H!7 488 - 190 759 263 etc _________________________ : 4~~ 229 18 577 595 879 Commissioner, Assistant, appoint- ment, salariCII, powel'!l; other personal services __________ . _ Contributions, accP)Jtance of, etc ____ _ Cooperation of Government nepart- ments, pte _ ____ ____ ____ _____ _ Indian citizens, participRtion by __ _ Report to Congress _____________ . __ Termination of Commission ____ . 27 Gold Reaerve Ad or 1934: Appropriation for administrative e:t- 489 492 tOO - 193 493 493 217 peDSed_ _ _ _ __ ._ 137, 13R. 139. \.',1 879 Amendru£'nt--- Extension of powers of President re- lating to stabilization fund, etc. Goodwin, Fhoip A•• pRyment to widow of_ 4 756 GOOIIe Cret"k. Tex•• examination authorized_ lol54

GordoD River. Fla•• examination author-

ized____ ____ ___ __ __ ___ _____ ___ ____ ~7)j Gor,.. Memorial Laborator,: 484 Appropriation for contribution ____ . _ . 485 Annual reports to Congress directed __ . Government Contradors. appropriation 623 for payment of 108S~'R due to com- 879 pliance with codCII _________________ _ Government Departments. See Exel'lI- tive Departments. 582 Government Emplo,ees. See also Execu- tive Departments. 604 85-1 837 Civilian personnel stationed abroad. allotment of pay permitted _______ _ Congressional employCCII, etc_, Decem- ber salaries to be paid on Dec. 20 __ _ Federal Subsistence HomCllteads Cor- poration, former employees trans- ferred to Department of the In-


1.')3 1ti6 199 terior, salary adjustment_____ _ __ __ 871