Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/983

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Government Employee_Continued. Foreign currency appreciation, annuaJ appropriations to meet 1088e8 due to, change in date of beginning pay· ments______ - ..--__------------- Jan. 20, 1937, pay granted to certain, in District of Colllnlbia, on account of cloeing of places of employment__ _ Legislative and judicial branches, re- tirement. Su Civil Service Retire- ment Act of 1930, Amendment. I.ighthouse k~pers, continuation of ex- isting classification and pay sys- tem ___________________________ _ Man~4&l statull, no discrimination in ap- pointments, etc., because of ______ _ Oaths of office, rene"'aJa not required in certain eases ___________________ _ Postal Service- Laborers, credit of fnoctional part of year's service toward promotion_ Motor-vehicle service, time credits aUowed substitutes ___________ _ Superintendcnts, classified stationto, credit for substitutes ill comput- ing compensation ________ - ____ _ Watchmen and messengers, furty-hollr law extended to______________ _ Railway Mail Service, stcnographer grade provided, offiee of chier clerks and superintendents ____________ _ Government LOSBes In Shipment Ad: Checks, IOllt, destroyed, etc., jl'l'1I8IJce of duplicates _________ _ Effective date _________________ - ___ _ Revised Statutes, sections repealed ____ _ Shipment of valuables, reglliations gov- erning ________________________ _ ClailIl8, procedure for satisfying __ - __ Definitions ____________________ . __ Insuring shipments forbidden; excep- tion ________________________ _ Replacement of JoslIC8, revolving fund established for _______________ _ Appropriation for ______________ _ Goyernment OrtaDlaatlon, Joint Commit. tee on, establishment, composition, duties, etc _______________________ _ Appropriation for __________________ _ GoyernmenC·Owned Establlshmentll, obli- gation of funds for work at, author- ized _____________________________ _ Goyernment Prlntln, 01100. See aldo Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment. Annual, etc., reports, printing discon- tinued; originals to be kept 00 file_ Commerce, Department of, detai! of copy editors to, amount available __ INDEX XXXIX 641 56 533 640 840 650 8il 651 647 482 484 482 479 479 480 480 479 471 7,8 9 245 GO-lernmellt Prlntln. Ollee-Continoed. Congressional work, estimate of cost to he included in recommendation __ _ Departmental work, payment for ____ _ Sums paid to be credited to working capluu ______________________ _ DelXJl!itory libraries, documents, etc., to be supplied only upon request: ap- proval by Superintendent of Doc- uments ________________________ _ Detailed employees, restriction on pay- ments to ______________________ _ Estimates for departmental work to bein. corporated in single itcm In Budget_ Grade Croasln, Elimination, appropJia. tion for ________ • _____________ ____ _ Grain Standards Ad. appropriation for administratlon ____________________ _ Gra.d Army of the RepUblic, aU-endanee of Marine Band authorized at Na- tional Encampment of ____________ _ Appropriation for __________________ _ Grand Canyon National Park, ArIz., appro. priatioD for admIDif;uation, etc ____ _ Grud Central Station Poet Ollce and Ollce BaUdin•• New Yerk, N. Y ., ap- propriation for construction cost ____ _ Grand Coalee Dam Project: Appropriation for continuing construc- tion __________________ . _______ _ lrrigable lands in connection with- Appraisal; repa~'ment contracts; amount to each owner ________ _ Exccsa lands, refusal to sell ________ . Ratification by State of Washington _ Surveys, use of allotted fundll for ___ _ Grande Ronde Rlyer. Orel., examination authorbed _______________________ _ Grand Hayea Harbor, Mich.. Improve- ment authorized __________________ _ Grand Jarl• ., extensions by dilltrirt judges J>Cnllitted _______________________ _ Grud (Ne08ho) Rlver,OkIL. Xans., Mo., aad Ark., examination authorized __ _ Grud Tetoa National Park, Wyo., appro. priation for administration, etc_____ _ Grand Trayers Ba" Mich., examination authorued _______________________ _ Gra.tley Barbor, Alaska. ('xilmination au- thorized __________ - ______________ _ Gruln,. Dlvisioa 0(. See Interior, De. partment of. Grea' Britain: ApJ>ropriation for- Ambassador to ___________________ _ Jnternationa] Fisheries C<.mmiasion __ WaterwaYll treaty, expenses _______ _ Lake of the W'xxfB, payment of claima for damar-II due to ,,"Atcr le"eJ fluc- tuations: ."ppropriation authorized_ Pare 185 185 185 186 185 185 423 426 M3 768 604 771 597 208 208 210 21'0 880 848 74~ 878 855 203 271 270 843