Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/989

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Indiana--Continucd. Jnyo and Mono Counties, Calif., ex- change of c('rtain lands, etc., in. with Los Angeles, for benefit oC ______ _ Irrigation projects, apportionment of cost on per-afre basis ___________ _ Kanosh Reservation, Utah, area en- larged ________________________ _ Klamath, Oreg.: Capital reserve fund created out of tribal funds; use of interest____ _ Reimbursable luan fllnd established_ Administration by loan board ___ _ Limitation on additions _________ _ Repayments, credit of ______ • __ _ Security, types of property M. Koob!larem Reservation, Utah, area enlarged ___________ .• _. Metlakahtla, Alaska, credit of ccrt3in revenues as trust funds. _ . ______ - Oklahoma, gross produ.ction tax on min- erals, restricted lands, manner of paymenL __________________ . __ _ Palm Springs, CaliC .• sale or lease of land for puhlic airport authorized. _ PII.Jlap:o RCl!en·ation, Ariz., area ell- larged ___ . ___________________ .. Pipestone National Monument, Minn., rellervation of quarrying rights to __ Quapaw, Okla., State grOllS production tax on lead and zinc produced 011 lands of, authorized ____ ._ ___ __ __ Exemption from other State taxcs __ _ Ueclamation projects, invcstigation of financial, etc., cOl1ditiollS ______ . __ Santa Rosa Band of Mission Iudianll, Calif., acquisition of land tor liSt· of; appropriation authlll'ized __ . . . Appropriation for __________ . __ .. Shivwitz Reservation, Utah, area 1'11- larged ______________ . _____ _ t"iho'lhonc Reservation. Wyo., acquisi- tion of certain lands of, for Willrl River irrigation project_ __ _ __ __ _ Rioux, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak., appropriation 8uthoriwci for pay- ment to. ___ . __ .__

Appropriation for __________ . - . Yakima Reservation, Wash., extenllion of petiod of trust on allotted lands_ Indian Wars Veterans, raws of pension!! for ____________________________ _ Industrial Institution for Women, Alder- lon, W. Va.. appropriat.ion for re- pairs, etc____________________ . - - ... Industrial Propt'rt" International Bu.-ea u for Protedion or, appropri,.tioll for t'ontrihution_ INHEX XI,V Indultrlal Reformatol7, Chillicothe, Ohio, Plilfe al)propriation for. __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ _ 28) Infantry, Chief or. See War Department. 70 Inrantr, School, Fort Benning, Ga., 577 Z39 872 872 872 873 873 872 2-1\ R73 811


805 68 6R 737 appropriation for expensC8 _____ . ___ . Informatioa, Omce of. See AgrieultuJ"{', Department of. Inheritance Tax, D. C . Ree Distrirt of Columbia, Revenue A()t of 1937. Injunctions: SUl!penRion, etc., of Act of Congress on conlltitutional grounds, determina- tion by three judge court________ _ Temporary ordcr by Ilinglc judge to prevcnt irreparable damage ____ _ Inland Waterways Corporallo. Act, Ameadment, aervicee and operations extended to Savannah River_______ _ Insedlcide Ad, appropriaticn for enforce- ment ___________________________ . In8edlcide and F.nrleide lanltl,aUoa.. appropriation for _________________ _ faaed Pest8, etc., apJlrr,priation author- i~ed for control 01 emergency out- 752 752 304 bJ"{'Jlks of________ . _____ • ______ ____ 57 Appropriat.ion for __ _ __ _. . 120, 1;]" 1.ltitaCe of Health. N~,. National In- 8titute of Health. Inlular AII"alrl, Bureaa of. See War Department. Inlaranee Comp_lea, D. C ., tax on. Bee District of Columbia, Revenue Ad of 1937. Inter-Americ_ Radio Conference, appr<>- priatioD allthorizoo for pArtieipati'l!l expense"__________ . __ . _______ _ Appropriation fnr _____ . N9 770 fig Inter-American Trade Mark Bureau, 71\3 appropriation for contribution_ - - - - . 2fl7 231J 700 441 763 210 786 766 267 Interior, Department 0'. 8,,, alan ~~!'('­ tary of the Interior. Appropriation for-- Columbia Inlrtitution for the Deaf. _. flth Contingt'nt expt'liRCR _ .. __________ . _ 565 F..ducation, Offioo of _ __ _ _ .___. 609 Vocational education ___ . _ 610 Fine Arts, ConuniRsiQIl of. _ _ _ 567 Freedmen'K HOIIpitaL __ . 615 General Land Office ___ . .'i68 Cool! Bay Wagon Road grant lands and timber, payment of pro- (!et)fIK of sales _________ .. . ___ 570 Oklahoma, payment to, from oil and gas royaltiell ___________ . S70 Oregon and California grant land",. payments to certain counties in Oregon in lieu of taxell_ ___ __ _ 570 States, p"ymentB to, from proceeds of I!fJes of puhlic lands ____ .. _. 569