Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/995

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Johnstown, PL, flood cont,ral project au- t horized _____ ~ ____ ___ ---_- __

Joint Committee 01 American and PhiUp- pine Experts, appropriat!on for _____ _ Joint Committee en Government 'Jr,aDi- zallOD: INDEX LI Page Judicial DlsCriet&-Continut'd. 880 West Virginia, tlmcs for holding court changed _________________ ~_~ 744 228 JUDea. Harbor, AllI8ka, ilJlprovement authorizerl _______________________ _ &!tablishment; composition; duties, ete_ Appropriation for _________________ _ Jurors, United States Courts: 7,8 Appropriation for fccs, etc _____ ~ ___ 278,76fi 9 Per diem fees, reduction continued ___ . 282 Joint Committee GDlntero" Revenue Tax- adon, appropriation for expenses_ _ 173. l;i Joint Committee en Prilltin" appropri.. tion for _________________________ _ 178 Joint Committee on Tax Evuio. aDd Avoidance, appropriation for________ 469 Jonea Academy, OklL, appropriation for education of Indians______________ _ J~ceL See al80 Justi.ce, Department of, Courts, United States. Appointment of additional- Ninth judicial circuit_____________ _ Ohio Southern District____________ _ Assignment within circuit to a district in 64 805 case of disability, etc _______ ,. __ _ _ 753 From other circuit by Chief Justice_ _ 753 Judgments: Deficiency appropriation for, against collectors of customs_____________ 18 Court. of Claillls ______________ 16, :l33, 777 United Stat('.8 C(lurts_ _ _______ _ 15, 233, 776 Judicial Code, Amendments: Grand jury extensiolls by district judgt!8 748 Judges, 8lII!ignment within circuit to a district in case of disahility, etc __ _ From other circuit by Chief Justice __ ~tate taxes, jurisdidion of suits relating to collccti'ln of; pending suits not affccted _______ ~ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ Judicial Districts: Columbia, Tenn., reCJuiN~ment for court accommodations at, modified ____ _ J4'lorida Southern, courtrooms at Orlando_ 1'l'r1ll8 at TallahaRBel' ___ ~ ___ .- Georgia Sout.hern, Brlll1l1wick dh'ision created ____ ~ ____ ~._._______ ~ Illinois • .:&stenl, tenn at Hl'nton ______ _ Iowa, tralll;fer of Crawford County from southern to northern ______ _ Montana, accoDlmodations at Glasgow_ Tenn of COllrt at Livingston _______ c Ncw York Northenl, term at Malone __ North ("..rolina Middle, Scotland Coun- ty transferred to _______ ~ _____ ~__ Ok lahoma Western, acCOrlmodations at Shaw-nee ______ ~ ___________ ___ Virginia Western, Shenandoah National Park made part of___________ .. _ WIl~hinp:tol1, Whitman County included in northern division of C&lIt('rli IIilltrieL ~ ___ .. , _. __ . ___ ~ _______ . 753 753 546 119 800 739 624 474 837 474 623 67J 1125 70) 200 Restoration of_ _______ __ ____ __ __ _ 64; Justice, Departmellt ef: Appropriation for- Administrative DivisiulI ___________ _ Anti-Trust Division _______ ~ ______ _ Aasistant Solicitor Genl'ral, Office of _ Aaistant to tho Attorney General __ . Attorney General, Office 01 _ _______ _ Claims Division ______ ~ ___ .. _______ _ Contingent expenses ______________ _ Courts, United Stare- Bailiffs, salaries, etc __________ .. . Claims, Court of. ____________ ~_ Clerks of courts, Ralaries, etc_____ _ CommiB8ioners, feel _________ ~ ~ _ Conciliation cor.nmissionerB, fees __ _ Customs anu Patent Appt'.als, Court of.. ______________ _ Customs Court, llllited States __ _ District attorneys, salaries, etc __ ~ Judges, salaries ________ - _ _ __ _ Jurors and witnesses, fccs, etc____ _ Marsllals, salaries, etc_____ ~ ___ ~__ Miscellaneous expcIl8e8______ ~ ___ _ Panama Canal Zone, I>illtriet COurt____________ ~ _____ _ Probation sYlltem___________ . ~ . Spt'cial attorneys, salaries, ete __ _ Supremo Court, United States ___ ~ Territorial Courts ____ . . ___ ___ __ _ United States Court for China__ . Criminal Divisioll_ _ _ ~ _________ . Customs cases, conduct of. ___ _ . _ _ Federal Bureau of Inveet:gation ___ . Judicial offices, examination of ___ . Lands Division _________________ _ Pardon Attorney, Office of____ c Penal and corrcctionallnatitutioDB __ _ Ullildings and equipment________ _ Jails, Fede1'al ________________ ~ __ Medical and hospital service ___ ~ _ Prison camps _________________ ~ Prisoners, support 0'-___ ______ _ Printing and binding ___________ ~ Prisons, Bureau0'- _____________ . Solicitor General, Office of___ ... ~ ~ TalC Division _______________ ~ ___ _ TaxC8 and Penaltiee Division ___ ~ __ . Traveling expen8e8_ _ __ _ _______ _ Veterans' insurance litigation _____ . 213 273 273 273 273 273 273 279 277 278 278 278 276 276 278 271i 278 278 279 'l77 2fo12 278 27fi 277 277 273 275 274 275 273 273 280 282 281 280 281 282 274 275 273 273 276 274 275