Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/996

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LIl ' Department ot-Continued. JU8t1ce, Department or-Continued. Deficienoy appropriation for- Attorney General, Offiea oL 12,233 Audited claims_______ - - . _ 235,778,781 Cont.ingent expenses_ - - _.. __ . ---_.. _ 7ti5 Courts, United 8~t<\llt- Bailiffs. pay, etc ______ - - - _- _. _. __ Clerks, salaries, etc__ -------. __ ._ Commissioners, fees, etc _____ . __ _ Coneiliation commiHllionelll, fees, 225 224 224 Transfer of funds, "Fees of jurors and witnessCB, United States courts, 1937" to "Pay of special assistant. attorneys, United States courts, 1937" __ . _. _.. _________________ _ \Jnited Statl'8 Code, Annotated, price limitation___ '. __ . ____ ___ ____ ___ _ K etc ______ . .. ______________ 224 Kanosh Indian Reservation, Utah, area Judges, salaries ________ . -.. ____ . 224 enlarged __________________ • __ __ __ _ Marshals, clerks, etc., fees and IKansas: expenses ______________ .. _ 224, 7fifi Appropriation for support, etc., of In- MiscelianeoulJ eXTIP.I'S€~L __ . . _.. 22;j diana __________________ . ______ _ Northern PaciJil' Railway Cu., et Fort Leavenworth, construction at, au- al, t'xpenlltl8 of prosecution of thorized. ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ ease &!I:ain.;t. ______ . ____ 224 Fort Riley, construction at, authorizec!' Relit, courtroolll"'- ___________ . _ 225 Missouri River, time cxtended fnr bridg- Special a..'I8istallt attoTlleYH, pay __ 224 ing, at Atchison ________________ _ Supplies ____ . . __ . ___ .. _.. _ 225 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- Supremc Court., U nitA...d Statl's ____ 13, 7fifi illations authorized ____________ . _ L'lIited Stay~ Court for China .. _. 224 Kechi Lagoon, Honolulu, examination au- Walker River Irrigation District, thorizcd _________________________ _ compensation of special ruas· KeD), Field, Tell., appropriation for Ilcqui- ter in case against_ _ _ ___ 225 sition of land ____________________ _ "'ederal Bureau of InvClltigatio,,_. 223,766 Kendrick Project, Wyo., designation of Damage claims____ ._._. 766 Casper· Alcova project changer! to_ ._ Northern Pacifio Railway Cu., and Keaaedy. Joseph P., declared eligible for others, expensca of pl'OIIOOution of appointment as member of U. S. ease against ___________ .. . 766 Maritime Commission_ --- - -. - - - -. - - PeDal and correctlonal institutions_ 225 766 Kennesaw MOUDtaiD Natioaal Battlefield Buildinp and equipment__ _ __ ____ '766 Park, Ga., appropriation for adminilr Mt'Neil Island, Wash., penitentiary tration, etc ______________________ _ site_ ___ ___ ___ _____ ____ __ __ _ 225 Kenosha Barbor. WIs., examination au- National Training School for Boys, thorized_________________________ _ D. C __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 225 Kentucky: ~nerB,8Upport------------- 225,766 Printing and binding ______________ . 765 Rules in actions at la,,', preparation of. ______ _____ . ___ ___ __ - ___ ... Blair, Harry W., restrictions respecting certain counsel waived in favor of. Honncville dam project, defense of liti- gation arising under, by _________ _ Chapman Field, Fla., aettlement of out- standing claims against, authorized_ Furt Reno Quartermuter Military Res- ervation, Okla., portion trallllferred as site tor Southwestern RdOlmA- tory __________________________ _ Jurors and witnesses, United 8tat<os courts, per diem fees, reduction continued _____________________ . . Restorationof. __________________ _ Payment forbidden to person after nom- ination rejec~ by SCnate _______ _ Spetial attorneys, limitation on com- pensatk,n; Tt'port to Congress ___ ._ 13 805 736 135 200 282 647 302 278 Breckinridge County, conveyance of certain laud in, to State_ - _______ _ Fort Knox, conatruction at, authorized_ "'ort Thomas, construction at, author- ize.L _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ Louisville, limitation on sale price of old post office, etc., repealed. _ __ _ _ _ Mammoth Cave National Park, lands added _________________________ _ Great Onyx and CrYlltal Caves, ex- clusion froID _________________ _ Ohio River- Bridp;e constructioll authorized at ~ensboro __________________ _ Time extendcrl for bridging, at Owensboro _______ . ______ ____ _ Ketchikan, Alaska. bond issue authorized for public improvements___________ _ Key., .h. River, S. Dak., examination authorized _______________________ _ Kickapoo River, WIs.. examination author- izcrl _____________________________ _ Kimball, R. b., paymcut of claim ______ . Z24 274 239 582 859 860 24 878 H55 452 595 57 606 854 638 859 860 547 871 871 641 243 811 879 S79 18