Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/729

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NIA-P EL March 12 1937 RUMANIA-PARCE L POST-Augst10 1937 ,


97 etablir le sort de l'objet dont il s'agit ni la responsabilit6 encourue. 5. Sauf les cas ol le payement est exceptionellement differ6 en conformit6 avec le deuxieme alinea du paragraphe precedent, 1'Ad- ministration postale qui se charge du payement de la compensation est autoris6e a payer l'indemnit6 pour le compte de l'Office qui, ayant ete diment notifi6 de la demande d'indemnit6, a laiss6 s'ecouler neuf mois sans donner de solution a l'affaire. 6. L'obligation de payer l'in- demnite incombe a l'Administra- tion postale dont depend le bureau d'origine, pourvu qu'au cas ou l'indemnit6 est payee au destina- taire selon le premier alin6a du paragraphe 1, elle incombe a l'Ad- ministration postale de destination. L'Administration payeuse se re- serve le droit de soumettre une demande de remboursement A l'Administration responsable. Par le fait du payement de l'in- demnite, et jusqu'a concurrence du montant de telle indemnit6, l'Administration responsable est subrog6e dans les droits de la per- sonne qui l'a regue, pour tout re- cours eventuel, soit contre le desti- nataire, soit contre l'expediteur ou contre des tiers. Cependant, si des colis consi- der6s comme perdus sont retrou- ves, totalemente ou partiellement, la personne a qui l'indemnit6 a ete payee sera avisee qu'elle peut reprendre possession de l'envoi contre restitution du montant de l'indemnit6 qui lui a ete payee. 7. Jusqu'a preuve du contraire, la responsabilit6 pour un colis assure incombe a l'Administration qui, ayant regu le colis sans formuler de r6serves et dtant mis en possession de tous les moyens reglementaires d'investigation, ne peut etablir le sort du colis. 8. Lorsque la perte, la spolia- tion ou l'avarie d'un colis avec valeur d6claree est constat6e lors de l'ouverture du recipient par le the disposition made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. 5. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptionally deferred as provided in the second paragraph of the foregoing section, the Postal Administration which undertakes the payment of compensation is authorized to pay indemnity on behalf of the Office, which, after being duly informed, of the appli- cation for indemnity, has let nine months pass without settling the matter. 6. The obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest with the Postal Administration to which the mail- ing office is subordinate, provided that in cases where the indemnity is paid to the addressee in accord- ance with the second paragraph of Section 1, it shall rest with the Postal Administration of destina- tion. The paying Administration re- tains the right to make a claim against the Administration respon- sible. By the fact of the payment of the indemnity, and up to the amount of such indemnity, the re- sponsible Administration is subro- gated to the rights of the person who has received the indemnity for all eventual recourse against either the addressee, the sender or third parties. However, if parcels considered as lost are subsequently found again, in whole or in part, the person to whom the indemnity has been paid will be informed that he may regain possession of the re- covered article by repaying the amount of the indemnity which has been paid to him. 7. Until the contrary is proved, responsibility for an insured par- cel rests with the Administration which, having received the parcel without making any reservations, and being put in possession of all the regulation means of investiga- tion, can not establish the dis- position of the parcel. 8. When the loss, rifling or damage of an insured parcel is detected upon opening the recep- tacle at the receiving exchange 1637 Payment where in- demnity delayed nine months. Country responsi- ble. Qualification. Ante, p. 1634. Claim for repay- ment. Subrogation of re- sponsible administra- tion. Lost parcels subse- quently found. Responsibility ofre- ceiving office unable to show disposition. Dispatching office responsible if loss dis- covered by receiving office.