Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/756

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Obligatory prepay- ment. Articles not pre- paid, etc. Insufficiently pre- paid matter; double charges. Newspapers, etc., delivery service. ARTICULO 10 Franqueo obligatorio 1. Con la excepci6n de las cartas en su forma usual y ordi- naria, se declara obligatorio el franqueo completo previo de toda clase de correspondencia, incluso los paquetes cerrados. 2. Los paquetes cerrados, asi como los demas objetos no francos o insuficientemente franqueados, quedaran detenidos en la Oficina de origen, que procedera con ellos en la forma que determine su legislaci6n interna. 3. Las cartas insuficientemente franqueadas daran lugar al cobro al destinatario de una tasa equi- valente aldoble monto del franqueo faltante. 4. Los diarios, revistas y publi- caciones peri6dicas, aceptados en el pais de origen con sujeci6n a los servicios de franqueo pagado, serAn distribuidos en el de destino sin percepci6n de ningun porte. ARTICULO 11 Peso y dimensiones Weight and den- Lo mites de peso y dimen- sions. siones de los diversos objetos de correspondencia, se ajustarkn a 4 tat. 274. lo preceptuado para los mismos en el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal, con excep- ci6n de los impresos cuyo peso se elevara a 5 kilogramos, o bien hasta 10, cuando se trate de obras de un solo volumen. Sin em- bargo, y por lo que respecta a la aceptaci6n de envios con peso mayor de 5 y hasta 10 kilogramos, cuando no se trate de obras de un solo volumen, se harh previo acuerdo entre las Administraciones interesadas. ARTICULO 12 Objetos rezagados Undeliveredarticles. Las tarjetas postales, los im- presos y las muestras sin valor, ordinarias, caidas en rezago por cualquier motivo, seran destruidas o tratadas de acuerdo con la regla- ARTICLE 11 Weight and dimensions The limits of weight and dimen- sions of the various articles of correspondence will conform to those fixed therefor by the Uni- versal Postal Convention in force, with the exception of prints, whose weight will be fixed at 5 kilograms, or even as much as 10 kilograms when it is a question of works in a single volume. However, in re- gard to the acceptance of articles with a weight greater than 5 but not exceeding 10 kilograms, when it is not a question of works in a single volume, a previous agree- ment will be made between the Administrations concerned. ARTICLE 12 Undelivered articles Ordinary post cards, prints, and samples without value, which have not been delivered for any reason will be destroyed or treated in accordance with the domestic ARTICLE 10 Obligatory prepayment 1. With the exception of letters in their usual and ordinary form, complete prepayment of all classes of correspondence, including sealed packages, is declared obligatory. 2. Sealed packages, as well as other articles not prepaid or in- sufficiently prepaid, will be held at the office of origin, which will dispose of them in the manner prescribed by its domestic legis- lation. 3. Insufficiently prepaid letters will give rise to the collection from the addressee of a charge equiva- lent to twice the amount of the missing postage. 4. Newspapers, magazines and periodical publications accepted in the country of origin under the postage paid service will be de- livered in the country of destina- tion without collecting any charge. 1664