Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/766

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES la Repiblica Oriental del Uru- guay, de acuerdo con la Oficina Internacional de Montevideo. Supervisionofoffce 4. La Direcci6n General de Co- expenses. rreos del Uruguay fiscalizara los gastos de la Oficina Internacional de la Uni6n Postal de las Am6ricas y Espafia y le hara los anticipos que 6sta necesite. Repayment of ad- 5. Las cantidades adelantadas vances. por la Alministraci6n del Uruguay en concepto de anticipos, a que se refiere el paragrafo anterior, se abo- naran por las Administraciones deudoras tan pronto como sea posi- ble y, a mais tardar, antes de seis meses, a partir de la fecha en que el pais interesado reciba la cuenta formulada por la Direcci6n Ge- neral de Correos del Uruguay. Despu6s de esa fecha, las canti- dades adeudadas devengaran in- teres a raz6n de 5% al afio, a con- tar del dia de expiraci6n de dicho plazo. Inclusion of annual 6. Los paises contratantes se comprometen a incluir en sus pre- supuestos, una cantidad anual destinada a atender puntualmente al pago de la cuota que les corres- ponda sufragar. ARTICULO 24 Congresos Congresses. Meetings. 1. Los Congresos se reuniran por lo menos, cads cinco afios, a contar de la fecha en que fuere puesto en vigor el Convenio ajus- tado en el ltimo. Place and year. 2. Cada Congreso fijara el lugar y el afio en que deba realizarse la reuni6n del pr6ximo. ARTICULO 25 lie of Uruguay, by agreement with the International Office of Mon- tevideo. 4. The Administration of Posts of Uruguay will supervise the expenses of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Ameri- cas and Spain, and will make to it the advances which it requires. 5. The amounts advanced by the Administration of Uruguay in accordance with the foregoing Section will be repaid by the debtor Administrations as soon as pos- sible, and, at the latest, before six months from the date on which the country concerned receives the account formulated by the Admin- istration of Posts of Uruguay. After that date, the amounts due will bear interest at the rate of 5% a year, counting from the date of expiration of the said period. 6. The contracting countries are bound to include in their budgets an annual amount destined to take care promptly of the pay- ment of their contributive quotas. ARTICLE 24 Congresses 1. Congresses will meet at least every five years, counting from the date on which the Convention concluded by the last one becomes effective. 2. Each Congress will fix the place and year m which the next one shall convene. ARTICLE 25 Proposciones durante el intervalo Propositionsin the interval between de las reuniones meetings El presente Convenio podra ser modificado en el intervalo que medie entre los Congresos, sigui- endo el procedimiento establecido en el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal. Para que tengan fuerza ejecutiva las modi- ficaciones deberAn obtener unani- midad de votes pars el presente The present Convention may be modified in the interval between Congresses, following the pro- cedure established in the Universal Postal Convention in force. In order to become effective, modifi- cations must obtain unanimity of votes for the present Article and Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, Modificationof Con- vention between meet- ings. 49 Stat. 2753. 1674