Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/774

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Postal de las Americas y Espafia, su tarifa interior, asi como las equivalencias que se establezcan de dicha tarifa en francos oro de la Uni6n Postal Universal. Entraran en vigor en un dia primero de mes y, cuando menos, sesenta dias despues de la respec- tiva notificaci6n a la Oficina Internacional. ARTICULO 103 tional Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, their domestic postage rates, as well as the equivalents of said rates which are established in gold francs of the Universal Postal Union. They will enter into force on the first of a month, and at least sixty days after the corresponding notice to the International Office. ARTICLE 103 Formacion de despachos-Sacos Preparationof dispatches-Empty vacios sacks Preparation of dis- patches. 49 Stat. 2806. Return of empty sacks. 1. Los despachos que conten- gan la correspondencia de inter- cambio entre dos paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafa, se confeccionaran con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el Regla- mento de Ejecuci6n del Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Uni- versal. 2. Los sacos utilizados por las Administraciones contratantes para el envio de la corresponden- cia, se devolverin vacios por las Oficinas de Cambio destinatarias a las de origen, en la forma pres- crita por el articulo relativo de dicho Reglamento. Sin embargo, las Administraciones podran po- nerse de acuerdo con el fin de utilizarlos para el envio de su pro- pia correspondencia conviniendo asimismo la forma y cuantia en que ha de sufragarse, por ambas Administraciones, el coste de dichos envases. ARTICULO 104 Franqueo de la correspondencia- "Frangueo pagado"-Cartasin- sufcientemente franqueadas 1. La correspondencia cam- biada entre los paises contratantes se franquearh con arreglo a lo dis- puesto en el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal. 2. En aquellos paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafa en que se haya estable- cido o se establezca el KFranqueo pagado- para los diarios y publi- caciones peri6dicas, incluso las de Effective date. 1. Dispatches containing corre- spondence exchanged between two countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of Execution of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union in force. 2. The sacks utilized by the con- tracting Administrations for the dispatch of correspondence will be returned empty by the exchange offices of destination to those of origin, in the manner prescribed by the relative Article of said Reg- ulations. However, Administra- tions may come to an agreement for the purpose of using them for the dispatch of their own corre- spondence, likewise agreeing on the manner and amount in which both Administrations are to share the cost of said containers. ARTICLE 104 Prepayment of correspondence- Postage paid service-Insuffi- ciently prepaidletters 1. The correspondence ex- changed among the contracting countries will be prepaid in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union in force. 2. In those countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain where the Postage paid service is or may be established for newspapers and periodical pub- lications, including those for prop- Prepayment of cor- respondence. 49 Stat. 2767. Marking require- ments. 1682