Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/785

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AMERICAS AND SPAIN-RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONGRESS 3. Para los objetos distintos a las cartas, tarjetas postales y valores declarados, el monto total del franqueo podra reducirse en una 1/5 parte como minimo. Gastos de Transporte 1. La tarifa basica para la liquidaci6n de las cuentas relativas al transporte aereo realizado entre los paises de la Uni6n Postal Americoespafiola sera de 25 mile- simos (0,025) de franco oro por kilogramo de peso bruto y por kil6metro, como maximo. 2. Cuando la correspondencia a6rea hubiere de transitar por las lineas internas de los paises inter- mediarios o de destino, dicho transporte sera cubierto por la Administraci6n de origen sobre la misma base prevista en el para- grafo 1. En lo que respecta a la Adminis- traci6n de destino, la bonificaci6n sera uniforme para todos los recorridos efectuados dentro de su territorio. A tal efecto, cada Administraci6n indicara un pro- medio de sus gastos para su recorrido interno. 3. La misma tarifa de transito sera aplicada a la correspondencia expedida de una Administraci6n de la Uni6n, por intermedio de otra Administraci6n am6rico- espafola, para cualquier pals que se rija por las disposiciones del regimen universal, en la parte que se relacione con los transportes efectuados dentro del territorio de las Americas y Espana. 4. El transporte de la correspon- dencia en transito efectuado poi un pals intermediario con destine a otro que no pertenezca a la Uni6n Postal Americoespanola, se someter a las tasas y condiciones que dicho pals haya indicado en Is lista A. V. 1, editada por la Oficins de Berna. VII Que inspirados en la obra in- mortal realizada por el Adelantadc Vasco Nuiez de Balboa, con- 3. For articles other than let- ters, post cards and insured arti- cles, the total amount of postage may be reduced to one-fifth as a minimum. Transportationcharges 1. The basic rate for settlement of accounts relative to air trans- portation performed between coun- tries of the Americo-Spanish Postal Union will be 25 thousandths (0.025) of a gold franc per kilo- gram of gross weight and per kilometer, as a maximum. 2. When airmail correspondence must pass in transit over the do- mestic lines of the countries of in- termediation or destination, said transportation will be paid for by the Administration of origin on the same basis as indicated in Sec- tion 1. In regard to the Administration of destination, payment will be uniform for all transportation ef- fected within its territory. To that end, each Administration will indicate an average charge for its domestic service. Air transportation charges. 3. The same transit rate will be applied to correspondence originat- ing in one Administration of the Union, sent through the interme- diary of another Americo-Spanish Administration to any country to which the provisions of the Uni- versal regime are applicable, inso- far as concerns transportation per- formed within the territory of the Americas and Spain. 4. The transportation of cor- respondence in transit effected by an intermediary country, destined for another country which does not belong to the Americo-Span- ish Postal Union, will be subject to the rates and conditions which the said country has indicated in the list A V 1 published by the Bureau at Berne. VII That, inspired by the immortal Vasco Nfiiez de work performed by the intrepid Baboa Vasco Ndfiez de Balboa, consist- 1693