Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/70

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INTER-AMERICAN-PREVENTION OF CONTROVERSIES-DEC. 23 , 1936 Panama: HARMODIO ARIAS M., JULIO J. FABREGA, EDUARDO CHIARI. United States of America: CORDELL HULL, SUMNER WELLES, ALEXANDER W. WEDDELL , ADOLF A. BERLE, Jr., ALEXANDER F. WHITNEY , CHARLES G. FENWICK, MICHAEL FRANCIS DOYLE, ELISE F. MUSSER. Chile: MIGUEL CRUCHAGA TOCORNAL, LUIS BARROS BORGONO, FELIX NIETO DEL Rfo, RICARDO MONTANER BELLO. Ecuador: HUMBERTO ALBORNOZ, ANTONIO PONS, Jost GABRIEL NAVARRO, FRANCISCO GUARDERAS, EDUARDO SALAZAR G6MEZ. Bolivia: ENRIQUE FINOT, DAVID ALVESTEGUI, EDUARDO DfEZ DE MEDINA. ALBERTO OSTRIA GUTIERREZ, CARLOS ROMERO, ALBERTO CORTADELLAS, JAVIER PAZ CAMPERO. Haiti: H. PAULEUS SANNON, CAMILLE J. LE6N, ELIE LESCOT, EDME MANIGAT, PIERRE EUGENE DE LESPINASSE, CLEMENT MAGLOIRE. Cuba: JosE MANUEL CORTINA, RAM6N ZAYDIN, CARLOS MARQUEZ STERLING, RAFAEL SANTOS JIMENEZ, CESAR SALAYA, CALIXTO WHITMARSH, JosA MANUEL CARBONELL. Who, after having deposited their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows: Art. 1. -The High Contracting Parties bind themselves to establish Permanent bilater- permanent bilateral mixed commissions composed of representatives sions edblhment of the signatory governments which shall in fact be constituted, at the request of any of them, and such party shall give notice of such request to the other signatory governments. 67