Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1683

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INDEX Oklahoma-Continued. Canton Reservoir, North Canadian River, construction authorized- -- Cheyenne Indians, certain lands set aside for-------- ------------ Denison Reservoir, Red River, con- struction authorized ---------- _ Lugert-Altus Flood Control and Recla- mation Reservoir, Red River, con- struction authorized------------- North Canadian River, reservoir----- Osage Indians, payments to, etc------- Red River, Denison Reservoir, con- struction authorized ------------ Lugert-Altus Flood Control and Rec- lamation Reservoir, construction authorized------------------ Rivers and harbors, examination au- thorized ----------------------- Old-Age Assistance, appropriation for grants to States for __ ---- ---- ---- Old-Age Reserve Account, Social Security Act, appropriation for ------------- Olson, John (Mrs.), payment to--------- Olympic National Park, Wash.: Establishment---------------------- Additions authorized-------------- Administration, etc--------------- Enrollment of bill, correction in, directed ------------------- Existing rights not affected--------- Mining laws, location, etc., under -- Receipts for schools and roads, divi- sion of ..----------------- Onawa, Iowa, time extended for bridging Missouri River at---------------- O'Neal, Echalie, maintenance of suit in district court _ . .------ ---------- - Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation District, Oreg., payment of charges deferred under Reclamation Moratorium Acts----- Operating-Differential Subsidy. See Mer- chant Marine Act, 1936, Amend- ments. Orders of Removal, appeals abolished in habeas corpus proceedings brought to test validity of--------------- -- Ordinance of 1787, observance of an- niversary of adoption, additional appropriation authorized ----------- Appropriation for------------------- Ordnance, Bureau of. See Navy De- partment. Ordnance Department. See War Depart- ment. Oregon: Appropriation for- Bonneville project ---------------- Crater Lake National Park, adminis- tration, etc ------------------ 36525 -38 -- -104 Page 1218 213 1219 1219 1218 1034 1219 1219 1224 426 121 1404 1241 1242 1242 1454 1242 1242 1242 762 1433 703 1232 595 1117 295 331 1647 Oregon-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Deschutes project, construction ----- 321 Indians, support, etc. , of---------- 306 , 307, 310 , 312, 314, 317, 1132 Klamath project, operation, etc - 320 , 1133 Owyhee project, operation, etc---- 320, 321 Columbia River, bridge across, at Astoria, bond issue for financing authorized _ ----- ----- ----- ----- 410 Time extended for bridging, at Astoria __------------------- 445 Coos County, easement to State, etc., with respect to certain lands for highway purposes authorized ---- 677 Klamath Indians, payments to, in lieu of allotments of land, authorized- 605 General Council, Business Committee, etc., payment of expenses au- thorized --------------------- 1207 North Slough, Coos County, examina- tion authorized ---.------------ 807 Time extended for construction of dam and dike---------------- 807 Ochoco National Forest, lands added - 692 Owyhee Irrigation Project, Oreg., pay- ment of charges deferred under Reclamation Moratorium Acts--- 703 Rivers and harbors, improvements au- thorized ----------_---- ------_ 804 Preliminary examinations authorized- 807 Tillamook County, conveyance to State of certain land in, for highway pur- poses, authorized ---- _- --- --- -- 677 Oregon and California Railroad Lands: Appropriation for- Management, etc ---------------- 297 Payments to certain counties in Oregon in lieu of taxes -------- 1129 Survey, etc., of lands and timber -. - 296 Oregon Avenue, D. C., designation of; street formerly so designated re- named -------------------------- 641 "Oregon," Battleship, appropriation au- thorized for permanent mooring for_ _ 678 Oregon Inlet, N. C., examination of chan- nel to Manteo authorized ---------- 806 Organized Reserve, Navy: Composition, duties, etc------------- 1185 Officers, number above grade of lieuten- ant commander ---------------- 1182 Organized Reserves. See War Department. Orleans, Ind., examination authorized of Wabash River at ----.---.----- _ 1224 Ornamental Horticulturists, Society of American Florists and, amendment to Act of incorporation--------------- 1226 Orr, Carl, payment to guardian of------- 1327 Orr, George (Mrs.), payment to ------- 1271 Ortiz, Remijio, payment to------------- 1413